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"What's you next class, Cupcake?" Luke asks me from the seat in front of me.

"AP English."

"Me too! We can walk to class together!" Luke exclaims, almost jumping out of his seat.

"What about after that? Wait, can I just see your schedule?" asks North. I hand him my schedule and watch as he takes a picture and see him typing on his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just sending Luke and some of our friends your schedule so we can make sure that you get to your class safely." North says and he made it clear he didn't want an argument.

"Okay. Well, thank you for asking if I was okay with that?" I look at North with my eyebrows up. He blushed a little but grunted as a response.

"Don't worry cupcake. They are pretty cool guys and besides, a small thing like you should not walk these halls alone. You might get trampled!"

I don't know if I should be offended or laugh. "I'm not that short." Was my brilliant response. Both North and Luke end up laughing and I just smile. Is this how it feels to have friends? Too bad I have to keep up with my fake Identity. The bell rings scaring me out of my thoughts.

"Come on Cupcake, English waits for no one!" Luke says while he grabs my hand bring a blush to my face. North grunts something that sounds something similar to see you soon and walks in the other direction.

I'm so glad to be walking with Luke now, these halls are scary! There is barely any space in these halls. So many random people are brushing up against me, making my heart pound with panic. I have a death grip on Luke's hand and I'm probably hurting him, but I can't seem to calm down. Finally we are coming to a door and slip inside. I release Luke's hand, "Sorry," I end up mumbling.

"What?" He asks as he leads me to desks and has me sit in front of him.

"Your hand, is it okay?"

"Of course, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just um, don't like being touched by random people." My face is burning. I know I should be used to it, being that I'm a singer and random people end up touching me all the time, but I hate it. Honestly, I think my mother is to blame for that.

Before Luke can respond, a man sits in front of me. He turns around am I'm sucked into green eyes, his are darker than mine a few shades different from Dr. Green but they still steal my breath away.

"Kota, this is Miss Rose, Rose this is Kota," Luke introduces us.

I smile shyly. "Hi," holding out my hand for him.

"Hi, I'm Dakota, but my friends call me Kota," he grabs my hand and shakes it a few times before releasing it.

Another boy sits down beside me and I turn to look at him. His electric blue eyes almost stop my heart before it starts pounding again.

"I'm Gabriel and you are fucking stunning," his deep voice surprises me.

My face is officially on fire, "I'm Rose," I say quietly.

"Rose, beautiful. It fits," and he winks at me. Oh gosh, I'm going to burn to ashes, I just know it.

The teacher walks in and starts class. We are working on poetry. We end up having to write our own poem and before I know it, class ends. I hurry and make my way to the teacher to sign the paper. Gabriel grabs my hand when she is done and leads me over to the wall. Apparently I have my next class with North and he is coming to take me there. I smile and wave goodbye to Kota and Luke.

"So, Rose. What's your favorite color?"

"Um, pink, yours?"

"Orange, who cuts your hair? They did an awesome job on your bangs."

I paused not knowing what to say, "Uh, just someone at the salon," I shrug. I'm not exactly lying, but I don't know who did it because I bought it this way.

Before he can say anything North appears and Gabriel waves before jogging off to his next class. I look at North and we start moving through the crowd. I like walking with North, he cuts through the halls quite nicely.

Getting to our next class wasn't very hard thanks to North. When we enter, North pulls me over to a boy with reddish brown hair. It looks so soft, like rabbits fur. I wonder if he'd let me feel to see if it is as soft as it looks.

"Hi, I'm Nathan," The redhead says.

"Rose," I hold out my hand as I smile at him. We shake hands before I sit in front of him while North sends him a glare.

"Switch seats with me Nathan," he growls out.

"Nah, I'm good." Was Nathan's reply. North grunts in submission and sits down in front of me. I just giggle quietly.

The teacher comes in and soon I'm working on a math problem sheet. Thankfully I'm not having trouble with it. Changing schools as often as I do means taking my own education into my own hands so I wasn't behind. Usually I'm working ahead of the rest of the students, in this school, I am very far ahead. I am done way before the other students. Letting me work on the English homework I was just assigned. Once finished, I then start to doodle on my paper until song lyrics start to come to my mind. I quickly scrambled to pull out a notebook before I forget them. I start to tap out a rhythm lightly on my thigh until North turns around, I pause and hurry to write down the lyrics.

He gives me a look and before he can comment the bell rings. I shoot out of my desk to have the teacher sign the paper.

Nathan ends up taking me to my next class with Mr. Blackbourne. Along the way we chat about our favorite movies and actors. He has me laughing all the way to class and I didn't even notice how crowded the hallways were. 

Author's Note: 

Thanks for reading, sorry for the delay! I moved over the weekend and didn't get Internet up until yesterday and on top of it all I had terrible amount of homework!! Lol

Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and let me know what you think!!

I'll be back later, hopefully tonight, if not tomorrow! 

Ps, I just noticed that not the whole chapter was uploaded, so here is the rest. 

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