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We got to the hotel before Marie's friends did. Leaving us enough time to check into the rooms and take all of the luggage up. When I say us, I really mean that I took up the bags while Marie waited in her suite impatiently. After dropping off the three bags she had to have for this weekend, I made my way to my room. It was barely big enough to walk in, just big enough to house a twin size bed. There was no shower or bathroom. Turns out my mother booked me an old employee room, therefore, if I wanted to use the bathroom I had to go use the employee facility. And from experience they are usually really hot and have no air conditioning. After putting my bag on the bed I went back to Marie's suite to grab her and head towards the lobby to greet her friends. While waiting for them to arrive, I had time to sign and take pictures with my adoring fans. Luckily, there was only a small crowd. Usually at these kind of swanky hotels I get mobbed by the rich snobs and their ungrateful children. We didn't have to wait long before three of Marie's closest friends showed up. Ignoring me completely, Marie greets them happily and lead them to the elevators to go to their room, leaving me behind to get their luggage. When I get to their room, they are all giggling at their phones.

"Oh, it took you long enough. We want to go to the mall. I'm sure you remember Amber, Jenny, and Ashley. Ladies, this is Sang, in case you don't remember." Marie waves her hand in my general direction and then heads for the door, grabbing her purse along the way. Amber and Ashley following right after her. I notice Jenny hanging back from the group. Dread filled my stomach.

"Hi, I really want you to know I love your music. Can I have an autograph?"

"Of course!" Relieved that's all she wanted I quickly sign the closest piece of paper to me and rush to catch up with the others. It wasn't hard, they didn't make it very far with their slow strut.

Driving to the mall sucked, between the screeching music they insisted on listening to and the shouting of the girls trying to talk over the music, it was just all kinds of bad and terrible. I pull up to the entrance to let them out, because heaven forbid if they had to walk more than they absolutely needed to.

"I'll text you when we are ready to leave, just hang around the food court or something and I won't tell mom you left." Marie says as she jumps out with her friends.

I let out a breath. It is just like her to leave me in a mall, as Sang, with no bodyguard and threaten mom on me if I left. Whatever. It's not that I don't love my fans, I do. They're wonderful and so supportive. That is definitely something that I need because my family isn't. The only problem I have with my fans are that they are too touchy, it freaks me out. The hugging, touching my hair, my face, and just invading my personal space in general. I can't help but be reminded of what my mother does to me every chance she gets. Regardless of the touching, I love them. But it is also a reminder of why I have a bodyguard in the first place.

After finding a parking spot in a semi secluded area, I check around to make sure no one is watching and make a dive for the back seat. Climbing into the trunk I rummage around for something to make a disguise. I don't have anything proper to conceal myself so I can't fully hide, but I can at least wear a hat to cover my hair and wear a pair of sunglasses. Overall not my best work since wearing them inside in weird, but other people do it. So in the long run it's not that bad.

I pull my hair up in a loose ponytail and pull it through the back of the hat before pushing the cap firmly on my head. Grabbing my 'just in case purse' which has some cash in it so I can get food or anything else I would need, I make my way back to the front of the car to retrieve my sunglasses. Shoving them on my face, I get out of the car and head towards the food court, because I'm starving. Really, I can't complain. I'm not wearing anything that wouldn't stand out. For the most part, people just don't look hard enough at others, so they shouldn't be able to tell. I lock up my baby, dropping the keys into my purse and then head towards the food court entrance.

I open the door and have a moment of panic, I freeze. The place is crowded, overwhelmingly so, but I gather myself and force myself to walk forward and look at what options I have to eat. Walking around the food court I decide to try a chinese restaurant.

I get in line, keeping my head down. The line moves and it is my turn, I tell them I would like the General Tso Chicken with a water. Soon, I am looking for a spot to eat with my hands full. Spotting some place to sit by the bathrooms, I go over and quietly sit down. As I eat slowly, I people watch. It's mostly just family's enjoying their time out together.

Finally finished with my meal I throw away my garbage and decide to wander the mall. Out of nowhere someone knocks into me, sending me falling toward the ground. I find arms wrapping around me. They help me find my balance and when I look up my heart stops. My savior is Gabriel, oh crap.

"Oy, watch where you're walking next time!" He shouts, arms still around me. He looks down at me, his blue eyes sparkling, and a slight frown takes over his face. "You know, sunglasses aren't cool inside," and before I can respond he takes off my sunglasses, causing me to panic. I tremble as I watch recognition fill his eyes. My eyes dart around looking to see if anyone is watching. "Holy fuck!" He exclaims. This time I'm ready, my hands shoot up to his, signaling to him before he can say anymore.

"Shh!" I look at him to see if he gets my meaning, he nods, eyes still wide.

But for either of us can say something, someone rips the hat off my head, and I hear gasps.

Shouts of "Sang!" going all around and I look at Gabriel with panic. He takes my hand and drags me into a run. Next thing I know, we are in the parking lot hiding behind the vehicles. 

Author's Note

Holy Bananas!!! It's been awhile!! I'm so sorry I have been slacking with updates, but school has been overwhelming, but I am done for the year and hope to update all of my stories!!

Thank you for sticking with me! I love you all!!! You're all amazing!! 

And as always, thanks @eliwhi for checking my work!! Your amazing!!! I don't know what I'd do without you!!

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