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AP Anatomy was actually a bit challenging. Therefore, I was actually happy to sit in class. Silas made a lot of cheesy jokes that I found funny regardless of how lame they sounded. I liked being around Silas. He was quiet, like me, and understood that you didn't need to be constantly talking get it comfortable around someone. My next class is Japanese and I can't wait to see who is teaching. I hope they actually teach us something. I love languages but I have never really had the opportunity to learn any. Although I might start to learn a bit of spanish for one of my tours that is coming up. I do however, know a bit of sign language, but not much. Most of my free time goes to working a songs and concerts and practice. Lots and lots of voice lessons and guitar practice. Then hours upon hours of fashion stylists going over my outfits for concerts or events that I need to show up to. And then to top it off the hours at the gym so I can be in shape, something Mother had great joy in. Breaking out of my thoughts, Silas stops outside of a room where I see Dr. Green standing by the door to the classroom.

"Oh, Silas, thank you for dropping off my lovely new student!" Dr. Green exclaims. I stare at him in shock.

"Well, I guess I understand why I can take this class now," I end up saying. Dr. Green grins at me. Silas smiles at me and waves goodbye turning to walks to his own class.

"Come on Miss Rose, we have learning to do!" He ushers me through the door, making me smile.

I take a seat in the middle of the row that is closest to the door. I got comfortable, or at least as comfortable as you can in these terrible uncomfortable chairs. As I am pulling out my notebook and a pencil, the door opens and in walks Victor. Crap. It's hard enough not to stare at him, but it's going to be twice as hard as all I want to do is talk about his music and just fangirl over him! I still can't get over how awkward I was earlier, but I guess I will have to learn to deal with it if I'm hanging out with his group of friends.

"Hi, Rose," his baritone voices trails nicely down my spine. I turn to him, putting a smile on my face.

"Hi, Victor," I reply.

"So, how are you liking Ashley Waters?"

"Well, it's...different," I hesitate, not wanting to say that this is by far the worst school I have ever been to. That if their AP classes are this far behind in the curriculum, I would not like to see what their regular classes look like. Honestly, I pretty much think this school is a joke and is in need of some serious work.

He grins like he can hear my thoughts. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Before I can say anything else, Dr. Green starts class and I am drawn in by his charming personality and passion about Japan. Is it sad that I found him undeniably adorable? This was going to be my favorite class along with Mr. Blackbourne's.

Before I knew it, the bell was ringing, shaking me out of Dr. Green's spell. Geez, I'm around famous people all the time and it takes a group of high school boys and two teachers for me to finally start to notice boys?

"Can I walk you to your next class?" Victor asks, breaking me from my inner monologue.

I blush, "I would appreciate that," I lean in a little close to him and whisper, "this school is crazier than a zoo on field trip day!" He laughs, making me admire the sound.

The walk to the gym was terrible! Victor couldn't cut through the crowd like North and Silas, he just wasn't big enough for it. At some point I reached out to grab at the fabric near his elbow when he reached out to grab my hand, making my cheeks tint from the contact. I had to make an effort not to squeeze the life out of his hand like I did to Luke's earlier today. When we got to the gym, I thanked Victor and wished him luck in his next class. Although to be honest I think it was for more of getting through the hallways safely than anything else.

I step into the gym and look around. Nobody was here yet, so I sat on the bleachers waiting for the teacher to show up. I didn't have to wait long, as the students started to trail out from the locker rooms. I end up seeing Nathan and Gabriel as they made their way over to me.

"Hey, Rose," Nathan nods.

"Hey guys," I smile at them. I then whisper, "Where is the teacher?"

They point to a scary looking lady who is who was very aggressively scribbling on her clipboard. I sent them a hesitant smile before getting up and making my way towards her.

"Excuse me," I say to get her attention. "I'm Rose Thomson, I'm a new student."

"Yes, I know. I expect you to have clothes tomorrow for class," and with that she signed my paper started shouting at the students to get to their places for warm up. Alrighty then. I make my towards the bleachers and watch the kids do the stretches. I noticed that some didn't seem to care and just lay on the floor while others were making a very valiant attempt but failing miserably. But when I looked over to where Nathan and Gabriel were warming up, all I could see were well oiled machines, working through each movement with ease and practice. It was mesmerizing. I could see some of my 'friends' go ballistic for the guys that I met today. Of course they will never met, as these so called friends are shallow. If someone's name is not all over the tabloids, then they won't even look twice at them, no matter how yummy they are. If there is no money then they don't care. Bianca, Chloe, and Sarah are the 'friends' that my Mother has 'allowed' to hangout with. And when I say allowed it's more like force me to hang out with. All their parents are really high up in the social group, and my Mother hopes to have an in with them through me. They honestly just use me for my money. Whenever we hangout they always pick where we go and what we do. Usually it's at a place where I don't want to be and so I try to blend into the background like a wallflower. I'm just glad I don't have much time to hang out with them.

I'm brought out of my thoughts and start to watch the boys play basketball. Nathan and Gabriel are so in tune with each other, it's amazing to watch. And of course the way their muscle moves is fascinating to see, I sigh dreamily.

It's not long that the teacher calls the end of class and everyone goes to change. I take that time to leave and walk towards Mr. Blackbourne's office to turn in the paper I had to have each teacher sign.

The hallways are so much easier to walk through when there aren't other students in it.

I knock once on the unmarked door. I hear a muffled "come in," so I open it and poke my head through.

"Miss Thomson, what can I do for you?" Mr. Blackbourne's voice travels through my ears.

"I just wanted to turn in my slip and wasn't sure where to go and," lowering my voice, and coming the rest of the way in, "I didn't think anyone else would care."

"Oh, yes, that does seem to be true," he then mumbles something along the way, 'but not for long'. Holding out his hand towards me he says, "I'll take the slip. Have you decided what you want to do for tomorrow's lesson?"

"Thank you!" I pass the slip over to him, "I'm thinking the violin and then I thought that perhaps we can switch weeks on what instrument we use?" I trail off, not sure.

"That can work," he nods. The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. "Have a good evening Miss Thomson."

"Thank you, you as well!" I make my way out of the school fairly fast and was able to leave quicker that I thought. I think that being close to the front doors helped.

I dread getting home, I'm sure something awful is waiting today, I know it. But it's not like I have an other options. I don't want to be punished again, and after yesterday's treatment I'm exhausted. Hopefully, I can get a full nights of rest, I could use it. Sighing to myself, I know there is no escaping the inevitable.

Author's Note: 

I'm so sorry for how late this is! Thank you for all of you votes and comments! And for your patience! 

Thank you eliwhi!!! She is amazing and went back and fixed all of my mistakes! So, if you want to go look and see the changes go for it, but you don't have to. As I mentioned, there are some minor changes, like the time line. We decided that it would work better with what I have planned if Sang transferred a few months into the school year.  

Thank you! Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!!

Love you all!!!

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