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I just knew going home was going to suck.

"Sang! Get in here!" My mother screams. I take a breath and walk calmly to the kitchen. I stand in the doorway, ready to walk back out. Marie, my sister, is sitting at the table with a starbuck's coffee. She smiles at mother who is going on about who knows what. "Sang! Marie is home for the weekend, you're not going to school tomorrow. You're going to be working on music and then you're going to be entertaining Marie and her friends when they get here. I already book a room at the Royal Hotel. It is near the concert hall, where you will be staying until Marie and her friends leave on Sunday. Of course you're not staying with them in the royal suite, so, I booked you a single room as well. Also, at this concert, because it was a surprise and everything, we are going to do VIP passes. Marie has decided that since you are already entertaining her friends that she doesn't want the VIP passes, isn't she the best, so the passes will go on sale tomorrow, so I won't know who is buying until just before the concert. Now, go to your room and work on the songs. I'm sure your father told you that we need two songs by the end of next week. Make sure it happens," she dismisses me, going back to gushing about what Marie has been up to. I overhear them talk about her horrible friends, and what they plan on doing.

Before I can leave my mother stops me. "Oh, and Sang, you will being go out as Sang. Try not to embarrass Marie and her friends."

I nod and hurry out of there. This weekend is going to suck, and I'm already missing a day of school, how awesome... not. I make my way up the stairs where I enter my small room. Marie got the bigger room, even though she is barely home as she goes to a private school... that I pay for. I don't mind the small room though, it has a great view of the forest and amazing sunsets. And on the brightside, with Marie not home I get the whole upstairs to myself. Which means no sharing the bathroom. Thinking about it, I go to the bathroom gathering all the things that I don't want Marie touching and messing with. I grab my contacts boxes and cases, retainer, which yes, she has 'accidentally' dropped into the toilet, and my glasses case.

I can hear my mother and sister laughing downstairs, and I wonder not for the first time what it would be like to have a real family. One that cares for me, supports me, and loves me. I shake the thoughts away as I get my guitar out and start on one of the songs that I had started after my mother punished me...again.


It wasn't until I heard the front door slam that I was brought out of my music. Looking down at my music sheets I realized that the song I was working on was for the most part complete. I really had more done than I thought. I guess being locked in your room since three something and it now being midnight, you get stuff down.

"Where the hell have you been?" screamed mother.

"None of your business woman!" shouted father.

There fight continues, I try to tune it out. I don't want a marriage like my parents. Honestly, I'm not even sure why they are together, they just fight and and never get along unless it about me and how much money they can make off of my songs. I hope if I ever get married, that my marriage is nothing like theirs. Suddenly I get inspired for another song but look at the time. Groaning I jot down some of my idea before carefully putting my guitar away. Securing my music sheets in a folder, I make sure I have a paper clip holding them together in the correct order. I have actually messed up my songs before. And much to my embarrassment, have rehearsed songs until I realized it didn't make any sense. It wasn't until I had gotten a nice kick to the stomach from my mother, because she thought that I was messing around instead of working, that I started to diligently make sure it never happened again.

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