Rapunzel Rona

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"LETS GO, TEAM!!!! TOMORROW IS THE GAME! WE GOTTA CHEER LOUD AND PROUD!!!!" Rapunzel is 15 and captain of the Cheer Squad. She is preparing to cheer at the Huskies big football game next week. She has bright green eyes and golden blonde hair. She's dressed in blue, white, and silver. The school football colors. "EVERYONE TO YOUR PLACES!" The girls scurried to their memorized spots and backflipped onto one another, screaming a cheer sure to fire up the crowd on Friday night. Soon enough, it was time to go home. Rapunzel grabbed her pink backpack and zipped it up. She hung it over her sleeve like a sash. Suddenly, there were footsteps. Like army stomps. Not to mention chants. A parade maybe? "WE ARE THE HUSKIES! DON'T EVER BACK DOWN! WE ARE THE HUSKIES! HOLD YOUR GROUND!" "I know that sound anywhere....." Rapunzel sighed in discontent. Every now and then the football team would come to bother the cheer squad. Except this time, she was on her own. "Well, well, well, if isn't miss big shot. You're not that special just because you're a cheerleader. But ya know, we can go out sometime." "Leave her alone, Hiccup. You're the last thing she needs." Hiccup backed off from Rapunzel. He shamefully walked away with the others. "Are you ok?" Rapunzel noticed a tall brunette with chocolate chips for eyes approach her. "Um, yes. Thank you very much, Flynn." He smiled and helped her up from the ground. Rapunzel couldn't get over it. She was captain of the cheer squad, he's captain of the football team. Perfect match! "So, how about the game? You have a good cheer planned out?" "I think so. Me and the others are working on it." "It'll be great. I know from experience. You're the best person out there anyways. Nothing will go wrong." "You think so?" Flynn's eyes shimmered in the sun as he took a breath. "I know so." He stepped away from the blonde and headed home. Rapunzel's heart beated fast as she strut to a bus to reach her apartment. She lived with her best friend, Anna. She had been studying all night for a huge test. She couldn't even go to school today. Rapunzel hopped on the bus and began texting when she was stopped by a voice.

"Hey, Punzie!" "Hey, Ariel! You surprised me!" "Sorry.... I just got back from my grandparents today. I was visiting." Ariel was Rapunzel's other friend. She is a red head with 0% patience. "Oh. That explains why you weren't at practice. Guess who showed up after everyone left but me." "Hiccup." The girls said at the same time in laughter. "We're you ok? He didn't hurt you, did he?" "No, Ariel. I was fine. Really! Flynn stopped him...." "Ooooooh. You mean your crushie crushie????" "Ssssshhhh! Stop it! Someone might here you!" "Ok, ok, ok. I'll stop but it's true. Did he kiss you?" "No! Of course not! We're not even dating!" "Yet." Replied Ariel. Rapunzel ignored her and glanced at her phone. She had lots of messages being popular and all. One was from Anna.

You and Anna Dale

Hey, Punzie! How was school? Just woke up! :)

Hi, Anns. School was good. Except I had a few issues with Hiccup

Rapunzel stopped typing. She couldn't tell her about Flynn. How embarrassing!

But I handled it pretty well.

Rapunzel hated lying to Anna. But she was afraid that her secret would get out. Its hard enough with Ariel knowing. Then, there was a reply.

Good for you. Btw I won't be able to make it to band practice tomorrow. I have a lesson with Flynn Rider tomorrow night.

Yes. Anna tutors Flynn. As if it isn't bad already.

Ok. Cya at the aprt. then?

I hope so. Bye!


"He's Mine." A Flynnunzel, Ferida, Fanna, and Felsa Story (Modern Disney)Where stories live. Discover now