Anna Dale

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"Wow. I can't believe that I'm tutoring him today! What will I tell Punzie afterwards? I don't want her to tell anybody! Especially since......" Anna Dale stated to herself. She was waiting for Rapunzel to arrive from cheerleading this morning. Hiccup didn't bother her today..... thankfully. And knowing her, she figured a few guests would come along. "Ok, so food. Blankets. More food. More blankets." Anna was always organized. She wasn't a nerd though. She just liked helping people learn and making things perfect. "Anything else?" DING DONG. "Too late! She's here!" Anna hid some sketches of Flynn under the couch. She had a unique ability to draw. She raced over and answered the door. Surprisingly, nobody followed Rapunzel in. "Um, no guests?" "Nope. No guests. I have too much to do before the game. I need to borrow your MacBook btw. I have to memorize a cheer routine." "Right. I'll go get it." Anna shuffled to her side of the bedroom and scooped up a laptop. It had purple hearts plastered onto the sides and clouds decorated on the front and back. Anna's side of the room was neatly organized in a scientific manner. She had Thomas Eddison posters and lightbulbs on the ceiling. Oh wait. Those were always there. Anyways, she was a lover of science. Her roommate's was quite messy. At least to Anna. It would actually look fine to you and I. "Here it is, Punzie!" She said. "Thanks, bestie. Mind grabbing some popcorn too? I only see pretzels here." "Um.... sure! I don't mind!" Anna again got up from her cozy seat and walked to the kitchen to make buttered popcorn for Rapunzel. Soon it was dinner time, and Anna was ready to leave for Flynn's place. "Bye!" "Bye! See you later!" Anna shut the door and ran outside, looking for a bus stop. "I really wish I had a car...." She said.

Soon Anna had started towards the door at Flynn's house. She was anxious to knock, but should she? "Alright. I can do this, I.... can't do it." She sighed. "But I can!" As she was about to knock, the door opened, and Anna fell flat on her face. Actually, she fell flat on Flynn. "Uh... t-thanks for beaking my fall....." "And thank you for breaking my back." Anna and Flynn stared into each others eyes. "Oh! Sorry!" Anna flipped her hair off her shoulder and slid over to a round table. "Shall we start?" Flynn nodded. He sat down with the strawberry blonde. "Ok..... what is 92×35? And answer quickly. Without paper!" "Uh...... hold on, I'm getting a call." Flynn responded. He held his phone to his ear. When finished, he placed the phone in his pocket. "Who was that? If you don't mind of course...." "Oh, that was Elsa. She wants me to meet her after school tomorrow." "Uh, great..... its just...." "I know what you're thinking. Why am I calling my ex? Well, I know we have been avoiding each other for the last 2 months since our breakup. But, we've decided to keep in touch." It was strange that Flynn was calling Anna's sister even though they broke up. That's why she never approached Flynn in a romantic way. It would hurt Elsa. So, she decided to stay in tutor zone. "She's pretty cool being a designer and all......" "Yah, but I like you too." Anna blushed. "But I'm such a neat freak." "Sure, but I like that about you. You just love helping people. Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna grab some Doritos or some type of snack." Flynn walked away as Anna stroked her hair nervously. It's a habit. She realized how unorganized the room looked. Posters were ripped up on the floor, and there were crumbled up bags that were still filled with crispy potato chips. "I'm sure he won't mind....." Anna threw some things out and placed clothing in the laundry bin. The trash can, vacuum and duster were used. Flynn took longer then expected because his mother called. "I'm sorry I took so long-" he paused as he mixed through his things. They were clean. "Um.... thanks. "No problem. It's one of my many talents."

"He's Mine." A Flynnunzel, Ferida, Fanna, and Felsa Story (Modern Disney)Where stories live. Discover now