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Authors Note: Hello everyone! Thanks for reading, and voting on my book! Chapter 5, we ended on a HUGE cliff-hanger. I know a lot of you were looking for some drama and there hasn't been any yet. The first 4 chapters were just to explain each character and how they're tied to Flynn, such as: Rapunzel cheers for him at games, Anna tutors him, Merida is his bff, and Elsa is his ex. Anyways, thank you all for your support! Don't forget to vote and follow! ~Maria Frost

This is my chance. I can tell them how I feel. "I-I have a crush. A crush on.....

Flynn Rider!" Elsa, Anna and Merida gasped in horror. I like the same guy. Anna thought. I like him too! Elsa pondered. I have a crush on him! Merida questioned. Yet none of them knew that they all liked Flynn. "I know it's surprising..... I don't have any clue on how to put it simpler." There was no reply. "He even gave me this," Rapunzel showed them a blue jersey with Flynn's name on it. "He said I could keep it..... do you think he likes me back?" Anna almost cried. She couldn't believe this! If Punzie wanted to, she could be with Flynn before any of them. "Gee.... I don't have an answer to that....." "Yah," Elsa mumbled. "He might have feelings for someone else....." "Or just not like you because." Merida groaned. "Oh." Rapunzel sighed, with an incoming exhale. Did she tell them for nothing? "Well, I think he likes her!" Shouted Ariel. Her blonde friend blushed. "I think I have to get home...." "Me too." "Me three. See ya, Punzie." Elsa, Anna and Merida walked away, and went down the elevator. "Is it something I said?"

"I can't get my head around it. Out of all people, why did my roommate have to like him?!" Anna heard an innocent knock on the door. "Oh crap!" She charaded to her side of the bedroom and slid beneath the bed. "Anna? Anna, I'm back. Are you ok? You missed out on some great party favors!" Rapunzel slipped inside the room. She sat on the couch and decided to text her other disappointed friends.

You and Merida Broch

Hey, Mer. U ok? U seemed a little sad back there.

Ten minutes later there was still no reply.

You and Elsa Dale

Hi, Elsa. How r u doing? I hope ur alright. U were kind've in a disapproving mood when u left.

"Nothing from either of them. I guess they're just in shock. Oh well. I think I'll chillax in the living room for a bit." Punzie sat on the couch and felt something lumpy. "What?" She reached her hand under to find a paper. "This must belong to Anna...... it looks like a new song for the band! Wait a minute....." Rapunzel read the paper... but it sounded too personal for the band.....

If She weren't Involved

1. Trust me. Baby. I wanna love you as my own. But I know that can't happen. There'd be a big chain reaction. So I'm given up, all my hope.

Chorus: Why did she have to come along? I just wanted a happy ending! Why did she take my place?! I wanted us to be in trending! She couldn't stay away. And I don't wanna hurt her feelings! She means too much to meeeeeeeeeeee.

Rapunzel stopped reading there. She was astounded. She could even feel more papers thrusted into the chair legs. She found two more pages but with different markings. They were drawings..... of Flynn....
"Oh my goodness! How could I be so blind?! Anna likes Flynn!"

"He's Mine." A Flynnunzel, Ferida, Fanna, and Felsa Story (Modern Disney)Where stories live. Discover now