Just Perfect

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"Punzie? Punzie? Punzie?!" "Huh? What?" "Why haven't you been answering me?" "Sorry, Ariel. I was in a daze. I can't stop thinking about what happened." "What are you gonna do?" "Avoid him." Ariel had doubts. "You can't. Don't you think he'll notice?" "Maybe but I'll take that risk." Rapunzel had been in and out of dazes trying to get it through her head. She was kissed by Flynn Rider. Soon they arrived at the school. "Here we go." Walking into class was easy. Leaving was the hard part. "I just have to make it past him. Then I'm in the clear." Rapunzel twisted through a corner wedging herself in between crowds. "Um, punzie. That wasn't Flynn." "What?!" "That's Flynn." Ariel and Rapunzel faced a dark eyed popular in front of them. "Hey, punzie." Flynn carefully walked away. "Wow. I can't believe this. What's Anna going to think though?!" Rapunzel inquired. "She won't find out, Punzie. Only you, me, and Flynn know." Ariel patted her friend on the back before heading home.

Meanwhile at Elsa's

Knock, knock, knock. Elsa answered the door. "Hi. You must be the new renter here." "Yah." "What is your name?" "Hans Westergaaurd." "Oh. Alright, come on in!" Hans came into an elegant home with classy tables and the most expensive couches. "Very suddle." He stated. "Let me show you your room." Elsa led the boy downstairs to an empty basement. "This will be your room." "Wow. I got the better end of the deal now didn't I?" Hans' sarcasm amused Elsa. What is his problem? Elsa wondered. "Well, I'll be upstairs if you need anything." Suddenly, Elsa's phone began to ring. "Hello? Yes. Really?! Thank you so much! I'd be honored! You too. Goodbye!" She hung up on the person and called all of her friends over.

"Ladies, thanks for being here today. I have an announcement." Merida and Anna listened intently on what Elsa had to say. Rapunzel sheepishly hid in a corner, still hiding her secret from her friends. "I'm doing the decor for prom night!" "Congrats, Els!" Merida cheered. "That's fantastic!" Anna said. Prom? Rapunzel thought. If Flynn asks me to prom, Anna will be heart broken! I'll just have to tell him no. "Well, I um. Have to go.... so. Bye!" Rapunzel zipped out of the house. "Me too. Bye, Els, bye Anns!" "See ya, Mer!" Elsa exclaimed. "So, Anna, wanna stay and watch a movie?" "Sure!" A couple hours later, Anna left. Elsa started preparing a milkshake(Her fav), then sat on the sofa. "Hey, what's this?" Reaching down into the couch, she pulled out a cell phone. "Wait this is Anna's. I think. Let me check." Elsa peeked at the photos to make sure. "Wait a minute. What's this? My Diary App? I'm sure Anna won't mind if I just snoop a little. Will she? Nah." She opened up the app to find millions of dates. "Hmm.... how about.....today?!"

Dear, Diary

Today was amazing. I think Flynn was staring at me! Isn't that great! I can't believe it! Prom is coming up too! But I can't hurt Elsa. Rapunzel has been acting weird towards me. She dosent respond sometimes and whenever I bring up Flynn or a football game she ignores the subject.

"That's weird. She does that to me too." Elsa stated. "Hold on. If this is true.... then Anna likes Flynn! I feel horrible. She can't be with him all because of me! But I can't give him up either." "What are you babbling about?" Hans grumbled. "None of your beeswax." "Girls talk too much. Especially to themselves." "Well at least I'm not so mysterious that I always wear dark colors and prefer dark alleys to stand in." Then it was silent. "I better hit the hay." Hans spoke. He walked away and went to bed. "Me too." Elsa replied. She picked up her phone. "I know what I have to do."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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"He's Mine." A Flynnunzel, Ferida, Fanna, and Felsa Story (Modern Disney)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora