Merida Broch

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"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" The students cheered for Merida, only hoping that she could take down the ultimate challenge.... hiccup. In a wrestling match. "What is going on here?" Remarked Miss Bell. Tinker Bell to be totally honest with you. "Get back to class, children." Everybody but Merida and Hiccup made their way to class. They had a few more minutes before the bell rang. "Shouldn't you be going somewhere?" "I have free period right before the bell rings." "Me too." The two went back and forth untill Flynn showed up. "Great job, Merida. You would've won if it weren't for Miss Bell. Um, Hiccup. I believe that you have a class to get to. We all know you lied about your free period." "Hmm...." Hiccup walked away with a bad taste in his mouth. "Thanks, F-Flynn." "Your welcome. Wanna grab some pizza after the bell rings?" "Sure..." Merida replied. She grabbed her Lord of the Rings backpack and followed Flynn to his car. "Hop in." They drived to a pizza place across the street. "You were pretty tough today, Merida." "I know. I could just slap Hiccup in the face he's such a baloney head. He hits on Punzie, makes fun of Anna and pulls pranks on Elsa." "Yah, that's gotta be rough on them. Not to mention you. You're his worst enemy really." "I suppose...." Merida sighed. Merida is Flynn's best friend. She wants to be with him, but can't because she's stuck in the friend zone. If she said she liked him, and he didn't like her back, then it'd be awkward. "Well, I'm all done eating. How about you?" Flynn asked. "I'm finished. Thanks for doing this for me. I mean uh.... taking me out.... US out- for pizza....! ehehehe....." I'm such a fool. Merida thought. Don't make it obvious you like him. "Um. Cool? I was thinking we could play video games, or....." "Actually, Flynn. I have alot to do today. But, call me later!" "Ok?"

Merida awkwardly stumbled to her car. "Alot to do? I have NOTHING!" She saw her phone blinking in her pocket. "3 new text messages."

You and Elsa Dale

Hi, Mer. Got a sec? I need u to pose for my new design. Punzie is babysitting and Anna is at Ritas working. U mind?

Merida really did mind. But, it's for a friend.

Sure. I'll be right over. :)

Is this necessary? Merida wondered. "I think I'll check the school website. Maybe there's something about the sleepover Jasmine is hosting.

Disney Prep publish

Article 1: by Belle Frances
Title: Brave Huskies for the Win
If you attended Disney Prep than you would understand the importance of the Huskies game on Friday night. Everyone is pumped for the football team to take their win against the Florida Gators a 3rd time in a row. The team is lead by Flynn Rider who says he is ready as well and hoping that the Cheerleaders will have good luck in their position of cheering him on. Tinker Bell, a teacher at Disney Prep claims that it will be "The best game in the last 4 years" because if the Huskies win, we will get to rush to the championship! So, thank you, Huskies. For working so hard on the preparations as a team!

Nope. Not what Merida wanted.

Article 2: by Anna Dale
Title: Jasmine has done it again!
As the title says, Jasmine Rapha, a popular student attending Disney Prep, has decided to throw a magnificent party again! This time is different though. It's a sleepover! You may think it's no big deal, but, if you asked Cinderella Tremain, she would tell you that, "If you don't go to Jasmines parties, people consider you an outcast. I don't agree with it, but I wouldn't want to be an outcast if I were in your shoes," You heard it everyone, don't forget to be at Jasmines party on Saturday, and bring plenty of snacks!

"Wow. Anna's good at writing. At least I found what I wanted. Oh well. Time to head to Elsa's house." Merida bolted to her red car and drove to Elsa's house.

"Hi, Elsa. I'm here!" Elsa hugged Merida tight, smiling. She began tying a glamorous dress to her bestie. A red ribbon complemented the fabric, when tied to the waist. "This is actually an astounding dress! You have a special talent." "Thank you. I worked on it for weeks. I know you don't like fashion very much, but i appreciate you doing this for me." Merida sighed. She wanted the truth to come out so bad. She had liked Flynn since the beginning of highschool. And she's almost 17. But Elsa ended up with Flynn first. She still stayed loyal to her best friend. Soon, when they were done, Merida went home, excited about the sleepover.

"He's Mine." A Flynnunzel, Ferida, Fanna, and Felsa Story (Modern Disney)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora