Problem Solved

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For the next week, Anna, Elsa and Merida avoided Rapunzel after her secret got out. People were starting to notice her absence from the group because her friends were ignoring her. She couldn't sit with them, eat with them, or talk with them. It was awkward for a little bit. They couldn't even practice their songs. Soon enough, Rapunzel began thinking of ways to win her bffs back. "Maybe I could.. throw a party for them! No.... not original enough... Perhaps a song about how much I care about them when I'm done researching how to do it! Too original...." Then, she heard a tap and wriggle to the door and knob. Anna marched in, sat her things down, and slithered to the bedroom. Just as she had been doing for the past week. "This can't go on much longer.... it's killing me!" Rapunzel had been questioning the cause of Merida, Elsa and Anna's depression. She knew Anna liked Flynn, but Elsa and Merida didn't fit the puzzle. Merida was already Flynn's friend, and Elsa was his ex. No way they could like him. Did they know Anna liked Flynn, and felt bad for her? "Um, Anna. Can we talk? I know you're mad at me, even if I don't know why," Rapunzel said, stretching the truth. "But, I miss hanging out with you. Please come out!" Rapunzel punched the pillows beside her on the couch, as she sat down on it. Suddenly, she recalled the band..... "That's it! I realized what I have to do!" She rushed to the phone and dialed a number. She got an idea... if she had the guts that is......

"Punzie, where is she?! Is Anna alright?!" Elsa screeched. Merida and Anna stumbled in behind her. "Is Elsa ok?!" They noticed everyone was safe and sound. They knew it was Rapunzel's doing. "Why on Earth did you set us up?!" Elsa argued. "Because," Rapunzel paused. "Because you were ignoring me! I don't know why, and I don't know how, but you have been rude, arrogant and not the friends I thought you were! Now, are you ready to be friends again?" The girls looked at one another. They were very surprised at the remarks of Punzie. "Yes." "Good. And to make up for whatever it is that I did, I officially booked us a gig next week!" "What?! But we're not ready! The whole reason we haven't planned a gig for the past 2 months was because we have been nervous......" Elsa sighed. "Not to mention we haven't wrote our own song before! What are we gonna do?!" "That's why I have this....." Punzie held out a script. Nobody recognized the song.... except Anna. "W-where d-did you get that?!" "I found it under the couch. Are you familiar with the title? It says, 'if she weren't involved'. Written 2 months ago." "Um, I uh, have n-no idea who that belongs too.... ehehe...." "Great! Girls, may I introduce our first song!" "YES! I'M TOTALLY PUMPED!" Merida cheered. Elsa grumbled from the pit of her stomach. "And, uh.... Punzie, We're sorry that we ignored you. We didn't mean to be rude. We were just... um... shocked. About what you said that is! Ya know what I mean!" "Thanks, Els. Group hug, guys!" The girls grasped each others backs and overlapped one another's arms. Slightly uncomfortable from the hug, Merida suggested that they scurry home before dark. "I think that's the best idea now." Home at last, Rapunzel bit her lip wondering how far she was gonna go to make Anna confess to her.

"So... are you 100% sure you've never seen this song in your life?" "Very...." Anna stuttered. "Actually, I have something to admit...." "Yes?" "I wrote the song.... I'm sorry I lied. I just-felt embarrassed because it was so cheesy." "That's ok, Anna. A matter of fact, why don't you sing a solo of it yourself, at the show?!" "Oh! I um, couldn't do that! I have, um.... stage fright! That's all!" "Well, ok! Elsa will sing it. Is that fine?" "Sure..... She is the lead singer and for our first show, she really should sing herself!" "Mhm... goodnight!" "Uh, goodnight, Punzie......" The two cradle themselves to sleep, scrapping ideas and jotting down new ones.

"He's Mine." A Flynnunzel, Ferida, Fanna, and Felsa Story (Modern Disney)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat