Chapter 8

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  15 minutes later the doorbell rings and I jump up to answer it. I open the door and see Erica standing there with a smile. Surprisingly, Tyler and Scott are right behind her.

"Um, hi?" I definitely wasn't expecting the other two to be here. Erica just continues to smile at me.

"I thouht it'd be more fun if there were more of us all hanging out." She explains with a shrug.

"Alright. Come on in then." I step to the side to let them all in.

It's still strange to see Ty with his soulmate, but they both look really happy about it.

"Hey Danny, thanks for having me over." Scott greets me with a smile and a handshake.

He's so polite. Damn, he is perfect for Ty.

"No problem. Hey Jessie, they're here." I call out into the living room. He comes walking out with a confused look.

"They?" He asks. And then his eyes widen just a fraction.

"Hey! Scotty!" I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that he knows Scott.

"I didn't know you'd be here. What's up man?" Scott asks while he and Jessie exchange a quick bro hug. Erica, Tyler, and I let them have their moment to talk.

"Wait a minute," Jessie pauses suddenly, "you didn't tell me you found your soulmate, you bastard." How did he just now notice that Scott's chest was glowing?

"In my defense, we were still figuring stuff out. I was just waiting for the right time to tell you." Scott explains with a guilty shrug.

"So anyways. Jessie, I want you to officially meet my soulmate, Tyler. Tyler, this is my best friend Jessie." Scott motions between the two of them as he talks and Ty looks down with a blush.

I had absolutely no idea that Scott would be friends with Jessie. And most certainly not best friends at that. Scott is just so nice, and polite, and sweet to Ty. He's the complete opposite of Jessie.

Just then, Aunt Avery walks in and claps her hands together.

"Well! As much as I love this whole reunion/introduction thing. Which, by the way is adorable, and congratulations Tyler. But why don't you all stop standing in the doorway and do something productive." She suggests as she starts pushing us out the door.

"You're kicking us out?" I ask this question yet I'm not really surprised.

"You betcha!" She smiles, before slamming the door in our faces. We stand there in silence, staring at the closed door.

Erica clears her throat before walking away down the driveway. "Let's go boys."

"Wait! Where are we going?" Tyler asks as we all move to catch up to her.

"Anywhere but here. I came so that we could all bond," she looks at me and Jessie when she says that, "and I intend to do just that. Now stop questioning my authority and follow me!" She exclaims, marching down the sidewalk.

I glance over at Jessie to see how he feels about all this. He just shrugs, as if to say What can we do? and follows Erica. Sighing, I move to catch up with the rest of them


So here we are, two pairs of male soul mates and our single female ring leader, making our way to who knows where.

"Erica, where are you planning on taking us?" Ty asks with the same look of worry as mine. She rolls her eyes and turns to look at us.

"Can't you guys just trust me without asking questions?"

All of us stare at her before stating a very clear "No." She groans in annoyance but keeps walking down the sidewalk. We've walked past the main town area so I don't even have a guess of where she's taking us. Probably to the woods. I'd bet money on it.

.......10 minutes later.......

Well would you look at that, we're walking in the woods. I knew I should have bet money on this. Then Scott, poor, sweet, innocent Scott, raises his hand in the air to get Erica's attention.

"Yes, you in the front, what is your question?" she asks in a teacherly way.

"Why are we here? Are you gonna kill us?" That's the question we're all wondering. Erica only laughs and shakes her head.

"Of course not you precious little muffin. I know you guys are confused and that you've been blindly following me this whole time, which is surprising, but I promise it's nothing bad. It's just my secret hideout." She smiles and turns back around to continue walking. I have one problem though.

"What do you mean secret hideout? I've been your bestfriend since kindergarten and you've never once told me about a hideout." I feel so betrayed, I bet her name isn't even Erica.

"I would've told you but it never seemed like the right time. Besides, this was a somewhat recent discovery and it needed to be fixed up first. I wanted it to be a surprise." she explains hurriedly.

"You wanted what to be---" I was cut off as it came into view.

"A tree house?" Jessie questions. Erica finally stops and fully turns around with excitement on her face.

"Not just any tree house. It's our tree house. A special place for those of us, not gonna name any names, who need a private place to sort out their relationship." Jessie and I glance over at each other and quickly look away in embarrassment. "And I just thought it could become a special place for the five of us. Danny, you and Ty are my best friends, and I want to do everything I can to make sure that you guys stay happy with your soul mates. I'm the only single Pringle in the group so it is my job to make sure that you boys get it together and not avoid each other," she points at me and Jessie,"and not run away from the other." She spins around to point at Ty who looks down in shame. Why must Erica be right about everything?

I look at Erica, then I look back at the old tree house and sigh. "Alright. Show us the headquarters of love and friendship, or whatever you call it."

I hope the few of you that were reading this accept my apology for never updating. This whole school year has been super busy and I have work to do everyday so it's been hard to find the time and inspiration to write. I can't promise that I'll update regularly, I am still in school, but I'm definitely not done with this book, I just need more time. Anyways, this is just a short little chapter that I had started back in summer, I hope it's somwhat ok I just really needed to update something. So enjoy! (hopefully)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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