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"The rat! It's back! Someone get a broom"

I chuckle as I watch Heath run around on the screen trying to kill the rat. I've never understood why David doesn't let me associate with his friends. I'm 20 years old, I should be able to be friends with whoever I want. Ever since I got out of my relationship with Brad he's been overprotective of me. I mean, I understand why but I've moved on now. I shiver even thinking about what Brad did to me, it was just horri-

"Skylaaaaaa! Open up!" I was interrupted by loud knocking on the door and yelling. I'm pretty sure it's Gabbie.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming!" I yell back.

I hop off my bed and walk over to open the door. It's easy to meet up with Gabbie considering she lives next to me. I'm not thinking of moving anytime soon either, the apartment is big enough for a few people to live in and it's nice and modern. 

I open the door expecting to see Gabbie and I do, except, there's one more face. David. Great, just great.

I smile at Gabbie. "Hey babygirl" I say while hugging her, I just look at David and open the door wider for them to come in.

"What are you doing here?" I ask David as he walks in and sits on the couch.

"I just needed a break from the guys, I'm going to go over to Liza's after this to shoot a video so I'll be gone soon I guess" I roll my eyes as he brings out his vlog camera and starts videoing me and Gabbie.

I walk into the kitchen listening to David's conversation to Gabbie and the camera. I roll my eyes as he starts insulting Gabbie.

"Hey guys, I'm here in skylas apartment just chilling when suddenly this pig comes around the corner and starts attacking me! At first I thought Skyla has finally followed in my footsteps and started buying random animals but then I realized it was just Gabbie" he says while laughing and pointing the camera at Gabbie. 

Gabbie just laughs it off and they start insulting each other. I continue making my sandwhich and checking my phone. Suddenly, I get a message from Heath. My heart starts beating really fast and I get nervous. I only have heaths number because Gabbie gave it to me to ring him and ask where David was because he wasn't answering his phone. He has never talked to me or messaged me before. Calm down Skyla you're acting like a love struck teenager, chill. My eyes skim over the message and my eyes widen.

Heath: hey, wanna come over? the guys are bored and i ain't got no baby to cuddle with me since Zane and David are out. Please baby?❤️❤️❤️❤️

I start panicking. Baby?! Heath Hussar just called me baby! Calm TF down you dumb bitch and type back! I start typing when I see his typing bubble come up again. I stop typing and read the message. My heart sinks.

Heath: sorry wtf that was Zane , don't come over bye

Oh. I turn my phone off and just stare at it. He could've been less rude about it. I guess I'll never get to be more then a viewer to him. I let out a mental sigh and go back into the living room where i see my couches tipped upside down and David looking at my with a guilty face and Gabbie filming me. I roll my eyes and laugh a bit.

"Ok ok very funny David, now get out of here and go to Liza's" I say trying to keep in my laugh.

"Okay sis, see ya later, love youuuuuu" he yells while running up to me and kissing me on my cheek before I could protest. I wipe it off as soon as it happens and throw a pillow at him while he exists my apartment.

"Geez, thank the Lord he's gone, he's such a dickhead!" I exclaim, knowing he left his camera in here on purpose. He runs back in and grabs his camera.

"Hey I left me camera here, is that ok?" He says while giggling like a child

"Yeah yeah it's fine bye David" I say pushing him out the door.

I look at Gabbie and she has an evil look on her face.

"Whatttttt baby?" I ask looking at her strangely.

"Get dressed and ready, we're leaving for Scottys house soon!" She yells walking out the door.

Oh. Shit. This will be the first time I see Heath in person hopefully. I think back to the message and realize even if I did meet him, he wouldn't talk to me. Great. Bring on the day...


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