Let's hurt tonight Pt2

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It's been about 5 hours since Heath entered his house and he hasn't come back since then. I found myself less energetic then I was when he was here. I've been just chilling in the pool or helping Scotty with the BBQ. We decided to have a mini pool party because David messaged saying he was going to sleep at Liza's. I've been watching Gabbie and Zane dance these last 5 minutes, smiling to myself.

Suddenly, Aloha by Møme came on and my mood lifted. (song up top, listen while you read for better effect :))

"I LOVEEEE THIS SONG" I yell while standing up and dancing with Zane and Gabbie. Toddy and Scotty start laughing and Toddy joins in while Scotty shakes his bum while he flips the patties. Toddy starts vlogging and me and Gabbie start twerking on Zane for some good vlog footage.

In the middle of teaching Zane how to grind, Toddy yells at me over the music.

"SKYLA, GO AND GET HEATH, HES MISSING OUTTT" he walks away while trying to twerk. I laugh at him and nod.

I start walking over to the house, with each step my heart beating faster. I open the door and walk in. I see Elton walk out of the bathroom and he points towards what I assume is Heaths room and walks out. I approach the door giving myself a mini pep talk to make sure I don't embarrass myself.

Ok Skyla, you got this. Just knock on the door and ask if he wants to come out and join us. Yeah that's good. Wait, how many knocks? 3? 4? Is 4 too much? Shut up Skyla just knock.

I knock on his door. (3 times btw, I thought that seems less desperate. Smooth) I wait for an answer but nothing comes. I knock again. Still nothing.

"Heath?" I call out softly....Nothing

"It's me Skyla" I say louder

I hear shuffling. I find myself smiling as I hear footsteps coming towards the door. The door opens slowly and Heath peaks out from behind the door.

"Hey" he whispers

"I was wondering if you wanna come and join us? We're having a mini pool party with just Zane, Gabbie, Scotty, Toddy and I. Elton comes and goes" I say slightly giggling, feeling better about the mini conversation.

"No I'm good" he whispers. I look at him more clearly and see dry tears on his cheeks.

"Heath...were you crying?" I ask, now worried. I lift his head to look at him straight on. We're kindve the same height I'm just a tad bit shorter.

"No it's just sweat" he says with a croaky voice, looking away from me.

He walks away from the door and lays on his bed facing away from me. I slowly walk in, shutting the door behind me. I sit on the end of the bed unsure of what to do. I eventually work up the nerve to sit in front of him so he was facing me as he was laying down. 

I wipe away the hair in front of his eyes. I feel like crying just by seeing dry tears on Heaths face. His eyes glisten slightly with fresh tears. He squeezed his eyes shut, causing a pool of tears to fall down his face. My heart sinks.

I wipe away the tears and run my fingers through his hair. This continues for about 10 minutes until I hear him mumble something.

"get a shirt out of my closet and stay the night"

I was taken aback at first and considered it but then I realized what David would do if he found out.

"I'm sorry I can't, David." I whispered. I really wanted to though, it hurt.

He opened his eyes and looked me straight in my eyes. I felt myself going red.

"I'll wake you up before David comes, just put my shirt on and cuddle with me. Please" he looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and I agreed.

I got a shirt out, which strongly smelt of his cologne. I enjoyed it.

I turnt the lights out and slided into bed with him. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his neck and felt absolute peace. I was warm and cozy. I was on cloud nine. 

i felt him kiss the top of my head and hug me tighter while whispering.

"Goodnight Skyla"

"Goodnight Heath"

I felt myself to start to drift off. Even if David found out, this is so worth it.



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