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I feel shifting beside me then suddenly a pair of large arms wrap around me. I open my eyes and find myself staring into the eyes of Heath. The events of last night finally come to me. I smile to myself and shut my eyes. I feel Heath peck me on the cheek and lift me out of bed. The sudden movement caused me to open my eyes and see that Heath was taking me out his door.

"Mmm what are you doing" I say in a croaky voice considering I just woke up.

He doesn't answer me or look at me, he just keeps walking. He opens the door to the house and a blast of cold air hits me, I snuggle closer to Heath. The sun half blinds me. The light of 1000 suns, I've seen it.

"Thanks Gabbie, I owe you one." I hear Heath whisper. I open my eyes and look up expecting to see Heath except I see Gabbie putting me in her car. I look out the window and see Heath give me a weak smile and walk back inside through the gate. I groan and watch Gabbie start the car.

"Sorry, if David found out you know what he'd do" she explains while watching the road. I don't reply and just stare out the window. I don't know why I was so moody, David would probably hurt Heath if he found out. I hope Heath doesn't go back to acting like I don't even exist. I feel my phone buzz and it's a message from Heath. I feel a smile come across my face as I read the message.

Heath: hey baby, sorry I had to get Gabbie to take you home before David comes over. Hopefully we can do this again one time ❤️

I feel my cheeks go red as i type back.

Me: it's okay, I understand. Yes, hopefully we can do this again ☺️

I put my phone away and feel my eyelids start to droop.

_________time skip_______

I wake up in my own bed with Gabbies face staring back at me.

"Gosh Gabbie you scared me" I say taken aback.

She just laughs and sits in my fluffy chair. I like that chair, David got it for me from Ikea. I don't know, I just really love it.

I sit up and look out the window and see it's still quite bright. I honestly thought I would sleep all day.

"What's the time?" I ask Gabbie while looking for my phone.

"11:24" she replies while standing up and walking into the bathroom.

"Hm, I'm kinda hungry. Wanna go get lunch?" I ask, feeling my stomach rumble.

I don't get a reply for a while until she comes out the bathroom.

"Yeah, I've already made plans for us. We're gonna eat at Chic-fil-a"

I nod and get out of bed, planning my outfit. I grab my favorite black and white crop top and put on my ripped denim jeans. I leave my hair out and apply some light makeup and grab my converses. 

I walk out my apartment and see Gabbie waiting for me. Oh, and David?

_______time skip_____

We arrive at Chic-fil-a in th the Tesla since David made us take it. As we're walking in, David pulls me and Gabbie into a random seating place and starts whisper yelling at as.

"Gabbie! Why did you invite all the guys here?" He says with an annoyed look on his face.

All the guys are here? I peer over David's head and see Scotty, Zane, Toddy, Big Nik and Heath. I feel myself blush when Heath notices me and flashes his ADORBALE smile at me. I focus my attention back to Gabbie and David who were having a silent argument and pointing at me now and then.

"Guys, can we go over or what?" I ask annoyed.

David glares and Gabbie then looks at me then back at Gabbie.

"Fine, but you're sitting in between Scotty and Zane" he says sighing.

"Whatever" I mumble walking out the booth and over to the guys.

"Skylaaaa" Scott exclaims while seeing me.

"Hey Scotty" I say waving.

Heath looks at me and moves over to make room for me beside him but I feel David come up behind me. I walk towards Scotty and Zane and Zane slides out the booth making me sit next to Scotty then he slides back in like he already knew Davids orders. Gosh.

I look up at Heath and see him staring out the window with an annoyed look on his face. I feel my heart sink a little and look over to see David staring at me and I roll my eyes and flip him off and look at my menu.

"Soooooo, how was everyone's day" Toddy says trying to break the silence.

"Me and Heathy went on a hike and saw a dead snake buried in the sand" Scotty says In a baby voice.

"It was a shoelace" Heath mumbles not looking away from the window.

I giggle and see Heath smile a little. Good, he's not too mad.

The waitress comes over and asks for our order and we all give it, Zane almost ordering the whole menu.

The group dives into a conversation about pigs on waterskiis but I can't concentrate, instead, I just keep staring at Heath who is silently eating his meal.

I pull out my phone and message him.

To: Heathy💛

David made me sit in between Zane and Scotty I wasn't ignoring you I'm sorry. You know what David would do.

Heaths phone buzzes and he opens it and smiles and replies back

From: Heathy💛

I understand, I just wish David would understand 😬❤️

My heart beats fast. Even though it was just one night of cuddling and slight kisses, he's acting like we're a secret couple. I'm secretly hoping he'll ask me out to a proper date soon.

_____time skip____

After lunch, Me, Gabbie and David went to Liza's and chilled until it started getting dark. David wanted to sleep at Liza's again which got me excited because that meant I could go to the guys place. I'm coming Heath.

When I got back home I messaged Zane my plan to come over and replied back instantly.

Zane my bestest friend: helllll yeah you should come over baby, bonifa and her girls are having a PARTAYYYY AGAIN. Be over soon.

Yes this is good. I screenshot and send it to Gabbie telling her to get ready.

Tonight should be fun....




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