-silence for the gone

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Everything was droned out and all that was heard was my constant groans and sobs. The same noise over and over. The same name repeated in the wide open bedroom.

"Harrrryyyy," I groaned saliva dripping from the corners of my eternal frown.

The tears that soaked my cheeks were slipping down my neck and to my chest. They had already seeped through my shirt dampening it.

This can't be real. It's all a dream. He's going to wake up in the morning and make me breakfast. He'll sit with me and hand me a plate with toast and scrambled eggs. He'll tell me to wash my hands and set my napkin in my lap. I'll smile at him telling him what a nightmare I had.

I kept slamming my head on my crossed arms that rested on my propped knees.

"Come back," I whispered sucking in my savage spit.

I still hear his voice sometimes.

"Eggsy my dear boy... remember me..."

"I promise, Harry. I promise," I slurred.


I can't stand to see the boy like this. But I can't tell him either. It'll aggravate him beyond anything I've ever seen. Eggsy is not a someone you want to see mad. Neither was Harry. I think he rubbed off a little too much on the boy and him gone will leave a permanent scar on Eggsy's poor little heart. Right now it's gashed bleeding and barely thumping as he tries to wrap his weak mind around the fact that he'll never see Harry's sweet rounded face again.

I sat outside the bedroom door, knees up, head leaned back on the door.

"Eggsy please," my voice shook with insecurity.

"GO AWAY!!" He yelled in a deep harsh aggressive voice.

"Eggsy you haven't eaten in a week," I winced at the sound of my terrible cracking voice.

"ARE YOU BLOODY DEAF!?!?" The boy yelled invigorated with a nasty bark.

"You're not the only one who lost him!!" I snapped back.

"You callin me selfish!?" It was a calmer tone but still very abrasive.

"Well you're being a baby, I knew Harry since the day I started decades ago and here you are a few months after knowing him completely falling apart!"

"How dare you," Eggsy growled.

Something deep in his throat rumbled as his words became hisses from between his teeth.

"Eggsy snap out of it. He's gone!"

"How f*cking dare you!!" He exclaimed throwing the door open, grabbing my shirt by the fistful, and pulling me close to his alcohol infused breath.


My tear slicked eyes pierced into his hazel bloodshot ones as his visage was tight but not threatening. I pushed him back and he grunted.

"How f*cking dare you say you had a better relationship with him," I scoffed.

Merlin doesn't know. Roxy doesn't know. No one knows. And they'll never know. Our secret died with Harry. I'll never let it escape my lips.

"Look at you!" Merlin crossed his arms. "Drunk! Ratchet! Scum!"

I flipped him off and tried to close the door.

"Eggsy," he mused softly.

"What do you want? Can't you see I want to be alone!!?"

"You can't wallow in here forever!"

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