-mistakenly bonded

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"Rather dashing," Merlin fixed Eggsy's tuxedo collar.

"Ya think?" Eggsy smirked into the mirror absolutely digging the navy blue tux tailor made for him.

"Really do," Merlin smiled lazily gazing at the boy.

Eggsy smoothed his hair back and dawned his Kingsman glasses. He moved the bow tie around to straighten it before standing tall and checking himself in the mirror. As he stared at himself longer and longer, memories came rushing back to him.

"Ya almost done with the popcorn, Harry?" Eggsy was sprawled out on the couch waiting for another Netflix night with Harry.

"Impatient now aren't we?" Harry chuckled bringing the bag in.

"Very," Eggsy smiled making room for Mr. Hart.

"Aw I was gonna sit in your lap," Harry giggled cheek puffed with popcorn.

"That's my line," Eggsy purred nose brushing against the elder's.

Eggsy looked down adjusting his suit.

"Lad?" Merlin's voice seeped concern.

Eggsy's head snapped up and his watering green eyes met Merlin's curious hazel ones.

"Somthin wrong, boy-o?" Merlin asked.

"Nuffin Merlin," Eggsy smiled.

"Ya getting the pre-weddin buttaflies?" Merlin chuckled.

"I guess," Eggsy blushed.

"Ya written ya vows yet?" Merlin questioned handing Eggsy a pair of the deadly Kingsman Oxfords.

Eggsy sat and dawned the perfectly fitted shoes.

"Harry remembered ya size," Merlin gazed down at the young boy.

Eggsy chuckled staring at the shoes.

"Hurry up boy. The cinema won't wait forever!" Harry yelled out.

"Wait a minute!" Eggsy laughed.

Eggsy jumped on the railing sliding down it in a flash. Harry was waiting at the bottom. Eggsy stumbled as he jumped off. Harry stabilized the reckless boy. Eggsy was in skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. Harry inspected him as Eggsy reciprocated.

"Suit? I thought we were just going to the cinema?" Eggsy's cheeks flushed a deep maroon. "This ain't a date, 'arry!"

"Yes I know dear boy... I just thought it'd be nice," Harry shrugged.

"But now I'm a slob!"

"What's new?" Harry laughed beautifully.

Eggsy kept staring at the open laced shoes slipping one at a time on slowly.

"Are you happy?" Merlin squatted to Eggsy's sitting height.

Eggsy nodded.

"Extremely," Eggsy whispered tears welling in his eyes.

He pursed his lips and let a tear drop to his cheek.

"Oh Eggsy!!" Merlin smiled.

Eggsy chuckled wiping the tear from his cheek.

"Save the tears for later my boy," Merlin rubbed Eggsy's back.

Eggsy smiled but Merlin sensed the darkness.

"He's proud of you lad," Merlin whispered. "He wants this."

"How would you know?" Eggsy stood up.

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