-angels and demons

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They sat, fitted together like puzzle pieces. Harry held the smaller boy who curled up against his chest in a ball. Harry ghosted his fingers over the boy's shoulder. Eggsy inhaled shakily as his body quaked slightly. His cheeks were still streaked with older tears as he clenched on to Harry's hand with firmness. The TV was off and there was barely any noise through the house. Eggsy's breathing was loud and unsteady.

"I'm still Harry," Harry whispered kissing Eggsy's shoulder.

Eggsy only cried a little bit more.

"No you're not," Eggsy whimpered curling into Harry's chest and crying harder.

"I remember everything... everything we had everything we were..." Harry took his hand to Eggsy's hair stroking lightly.

"But you can't love," Eggsy mumbled.

"That doesn't mean you can't teach me," Harry tilted the boy's head up stealing a kiss on the lips.

"Don't you get it Harry?! You'll never f*cking love someone!" Eggsy spat.

Harry grabbed Eggsy by the jaw. Eggsy whimpered in fear.

"Stop it," Harry hissed.

Eggsy cried out letting the tears fall in rivers. Harry let Eggsy go. His head fell back into Harry's lap. Harry toyed Eggsy's locks in his long diligent fingers.

"Were you always like this?" Eggsy whispered.

"No. Eggsy. I told you I made a deal."

"Why?" Eggsy squeaked.

"To see you again," Harry grunted.

Eggsy sighed.

"I can never be without you baby," Harry sniffed the boy's neck.

Eggsy felt a second presence stroking his leg. It was rough and pointy. Eggsy squirmed. The rough wiggly thing squiggled up Eggsy's shorts. Eggsy hummed softly. He arched his back a little. He swallowed audibly. He sniffed.

"What are you again?" Eggsy gasped.

"I'm the devil," Harry slithered his tongue into the boy's ears.

Eggsy moaned squeezing his eyes shut.

"Say it again," Eggsy whispered.

Harry's tail slid deeper up Eggsy's trousers.

"I'm the f*cking devil," Harry bit down on Eggsy's ear eliciting a moan from the younger one.

"Yes," Eggsy gyrated his body forward against the firmness of Harry's tail over his crotch.

"But I am also a man," Harry sucked the skin of Eggsy's neck. "With needs," Harry whispered dragging his nose along the boy's cheek. "And interests," Harry smiled watching the boy crumble under the touch of Harry's tail.

"Do ya remember the night... when... we did it on the couch...?" Eggsy gasped out of breath.

"Of course my darling. I'm no different. I'm still Harry Hart," Harry chuckled withdrawing his tail slowly.

Eggsy protested silently.

"It was the first time..." Eggsy squirmed as the rough length stretch of maroon flesh wiggled up his shirt.

"You said I love you," Harry planted a kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Yeah," Eggsy arched his back again as the tail tickled his chest lifting his shirt up.

"I meant it Harry," Eggsy huffed.

"I know you did," Harry whispered. "Do you remember what I said?" Harry nestled his nose in Eggsy's ear.

"You said Well of course you do. Everyone knows that..." Eggsy chuckled reciting the line.

"And I wasn't kidding," Harry chuckled.

"I didn't think you were," Eggsy smiled blissfully.

"But the thing I regretted the most that day... was not seizing the perfect opportunity to tell you how much you mean to me," Harry said.

"Aw," Eggsy sighed.

"Seriously. You're the reason I'm ali- half alive... you're the reason I'm here," Harry kissed the boy's cheek.

"Do you feel different?" Eggsy whispered.

"Well I'm not entirely human anymore," Harry chuckled.

His tail wrapped around Eggsy's neck and the point probed the boy's lip. Eggsy moaned. Harry's hand slid down Eggsy's abs dipping his fingers into the boy's shorts.

"What do you most desire, baby boy?" Harry purred deeply.

"I want you," Eggsy arched his back again.

"To do what?" Harry slipped his fingers further into Eggsy's shorts.

Eggsy exhaled unsteadily.

"Touch me," Eggsy whispered.

"Why is this so hard for you to grasp?" Harry asked out of the blue.


"Why are you so shaken up by me being...what I am?" Harry kissed the boy's ear.

"Well I- I wasn't expecting it..." Eggsy whispered.

"But I mean... you're no different..."

"I am too, different!" Eggsy exclaimed.

Harry whisked his fingers over Eggsy plethora of scars on his wrists.

"No my little angel," Harry pressed a kiss to Eggsy's wrist.

"You know why I did it right?" Eggsy looked up.

Harry smirked.

"To be with you," Eggsy turned on to his side.

"I know... and now we are..." Harry smiled dipping the rest of his hand into Eggsy's trousers.

Eggsy gasped high pitched thrusting up into Harry's hand. Harry's tail wrapped around the boy's shirt pulling it over his head. Harry ran his fingers over Eggsy's back feeling the lumps where his wings are hidden.

"You're beautiful," Harry's lips landed on Eggsy's back.

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