#2 - The cold deepens from within

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Even though I could see her dripping with rain water, shivering under the one heater, by the door, something about her was so ... luminous, so ... radiant, so ... adorable! Somehow she made me feel differently than anyone else before. With all the other 'girlfriends' I've been with, as soon as I saw them I knew if they'd be good in bed or not, or if I'd be good in bed with them! But with her, all I wanted to do was scoop her up in my arms, take a long warm loving shower together and cuddle up by the fireplace whilst we're watching movies and eating take out pizza! Wow, okay Emma. Take a step back. No ones having a shower together, we're not cuddling up by any fireplace, and you're certainly not ruining that great physique you spent six months training for ... Oh, speaking of which. She's still standing there waiting for some clothes. Oh my god do something you twat!

"Just take a seat Ms ..."

"Mills, Regina Mills"

"Huh, like The Mayor  Regina Mills?"

"Yeah, that's me! Five-year running candidate"

"Well, Mayor Mills, please take a seat and I'll be right back with your clothes, your majesty" 

OH MY GOD ... What the actual fuck was that. Did you just bow? Holy shit. I'm ruined. I just called the mayor her majesty and fucking bowed down to her. Emma what are you actually thinking. What was going through that big oath of a mind for you to do that? HUH! 


Did she just bow? I mean, I sort of think that's adorable. She called me her majesty, too. There's no way she could know who I am, or was. Could she? No, of course, she couldn't. You set that curse so no one but yourself and Mr.Gold would know what happened. Speaking of whom, I haven't seen him in a while. God ... what is he getting up to now?

I whiz around after feeling a light tapping on my shoulder, waking me from my daydream and see a rather embarrassed, blushing blonde towering over me. All she does is hand out a pair of yoga pants, a white t-shirt with the Storybrooke logo stitch on the breast and a pair of rather stingy, worn out running shoes. Then, she goes jumping away, back behind the desk where I can see her sighing into her office chair, through the window. I stare at her for a moment later. Her shiny and ravishing blonde curls come cascading down her shoulder, just as they did in the poster. The sun shone wildly on them, comparing her long strands to a mirror in the moonlight. She tucked a ribbon of her hair behind her small ear and rubbed her face in boredom. Unexpectedly, she looked up from her desk and straight at me. Our eyes met for a second and we both just glared at each other ... into each other's souls almost. I raised one eyebrow and pointed beside me to the ladies changing area, questioning as to where I was supposed to be going and she just gently nodded her head at me.

As I'm getting changed, I feel a tight sensation pull at my stomach. I don't if it's because these sports leggings are far too tight, or if mother nature as suddenly called but I feel a wave of uncertainty come across me ... I don't feel good at all!


Regina walked out of the changing room and for a second I could've sworn my heart stopped. The leggings were way too small, but they accented her ass to the point where they lifted it even more, and at the juicy state her ass was at before, I didn't think her behind could get any better! The shirt was a little oversized but flowed from her hips so perfectly, and her collar was half up as I could see she was struggling to pinch it back down again. She quite clearly doesn't wear old gym attire often enough! I stumble over to her, still feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks from my earlier embarrassment. 

"Uh, Regina, sorry your collar, it's sort of puckered up"

"Ugh, these polo shirts are the worst, honestly, I don't know how anyone can wear these" She groans, still trying to unfold the fabric away from her face.

"Here, let me ..." I step so close to her that I can feel her breath on my face. Our puffs of cold air breathing out and dancing with each other in the late aroma. As my hands reach behind her neck to grab her collar I can feel her soft, brunette strands graze my fingertips and her skin brushes up against the back of my hand, feeling more pleasant with each accidental stroke. We stand dead still, staring into each other's eyes. Neither one of us wanting to move away. Once I'm finished readjusting her collar my hand glides down her neck, onto her shoulders and drift down to the top her her arms. Our gaze is lost when a large gust of wind comes swooping in from the door, as more people arrive and I look over to Regina with a loving and hopeful smile ... hopeful that our little interaction has caused her to completely forget about the mishap earlier on. 

She then swerves her head to the side and takes a giddy step back, reaching out for my arm. She plummets to the ground and drags me down with her. I look over to her with grace and she looks as pale as the cold, winter snow. Her lips, once plump and glossy, now cold and blue and beads of sweat come tracing down her temple. 

"Regina ... Regina can you hear me?"


A/N - 

I don't know how many people are following this story, but considering it's my first ever instalment I want to keep going. If someone is out here, comment what you want to happen to our two 'star crossed lovers'?

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