#3 - Hospital Canteen Food

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"Regina ... Regina can you hear me?"

A booming voice came echoing down from the heavens. As everything readjusted from a great yellow blur, the first face I would encounter was the same face I saw when I blacked out. Emma was such a beauty, and to be honest, I'm so glad it was her that would catch me when I fall!

"Oh my god ... what the fuck happened to me?" - I swear very rarely, so when I do it's because of something tragic!  I had to rub my head to relieve the bouncing pressure trying to escape my skull. My sight was sill blurry, but it was slowly gaining it's quality back to normal.  

"I don't know. One minute I was sorting your collar and then you were dragging me down onto the floor" Emma almost shouted at me, piercing through my sensitive eardrums. Because my balance was way off track, all my other senses had been unusually heightened. The slightest touch on my skin sent shivers down my spine. One small whisper sounded like a marching band travelling through my brain, and the softest look in my eyes were like daggers shattering through my insides! 

"Okay, Regina, I'm going to try to get you up onto a chair with the help of my manager. Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable in any way, okay?" Emma's manager had taken my arms and my back, whereas Miss Swan had positioned her hands on my lower back and on my arse! I don't if it was in anyway intentional but with the sensual tension lurking in the air a moment ago, it can't say I minded it!

Emma had placed her hand on Regina's lap, holding her up for support as the mayor was drifting from side to side, slipping in and out of consciousness. Emma grazed her thigh in comfort and slid her hand up the brunette's arms all the way to her torso. Regina knew it was a comforting feeling, even when she hasn't yet got grips on the world and just hoped Emma to continue her sweet moment of embrace.

Thirty Minutes Later/EMMA'S P.O.V: 

Luckily the ambulance came as quickly as they departed, trucking Regina and I in the back of the van, whizzing through StoryBrooke to the nearby hospital. I absolutely hate hospitals. Ever since my Mother's passing all those years ago, I can't stand the smell, the sensation in the air, even the maleficent shine of the Hospital hall lights! 

Regina looked as pale as anything, and as they rushed her down those long stretched hallways I stood in a moment of panic and shock. I haven't been in a hospital since that night, and the more I peered down the hall the more the walls seemed to stretch and move. The lights were flickering as if to mock me in my very presence, and the sounds of outside ambulance sirens would travelling along the cracks, mimicking a cackle haunting from below. As I snapped out of my dizzy haze I had realised that I have now completely lost Regina and the doctors in the treacherous hallways and so I headed to the main reception not too far.

The stay in the waiting room was absolutely agonising. However, it did give me chance to think about my current feelings towards Miss Mills. Okay, so out of all your other 'girlfriends - well, let's be honest with yourself Emma, out of ten how many 'girlfriends' have you called back? - okay so out of all your other hook ups, how many have made you feel this way? Ugh I can't stop thinking about her in a sweet and endearing way. Not only do I want to fuck her, pretty hard, but it's like I actually want to ... love her! HAHA ... LOVE? EMMA SWAN? Nope, sorry Regina, not happening. I took a vow to myself that no lover would ever enter my life. Just an open book and a straight road ahead for me ...

"Miss Swan. MISS SWAN. I am assuming you were with Miss Mills?" The doctor beckoned for me,

"Oh yeah, sorry, was totally in my own little world there. How is she? Can I see her?"

"Well, I can see the wait has made you very agitated .."

"Yeah I don't know why. I'm thinking it's the seating. Have you tried a lovely suede leather instead of cotton ..." IM NERVOUS RAMBLING, FOR FUCK SAKE EMMA, SHUT UP!

"Miss Swan, please; if you'll let me finish? Miss Mills seemed to catch some sort of virus. Really, it sounds worse than it is. Think of it as a moderate case of the flu. She had endured too long of a time period in the cold, causing her body to go into a sort of shock. She is heavily sedated and we have informed her she needs to rest, but I suppose it wouldn't harm her to have just one guest" The doctor finished by slowly waving his hand beside him and pointing to a patient door.

I crept into Regina's room, carefully trying to push the door open without waking her. She was laying, deep asleep in the bed, with IV fluid's connected to her arm. Usually, I couldn't bare the sight of an open wound but somehow seeing her peaceful face made it bearable. I had the urge to sight near her, and not just on those guest chairs beside the bed. I wanted to be close to her, to comfort her when she woke up. I propped myself next to her limp torso and raised my arm so it was slung the other side of her body, charmingly sweeping up and down her bare arm. No one rocked hospital gowns more than Miss Mills. This woman just keeps throwing surprises!


I awake to a graceful touch on my arm, caressing my skin as I wobble my head from side to side. I hear a slight hush in my ear and look up to see Emma sitting beside my, looking down at me with a smooth smile from one side of her face to the other. I go to talk but I feel a finger press up against my lips, silencing me. This is the first time I've ever been stopped from doing what I want, but from Miss Swan, I really don't mind at this point! I then feel a weight drop down from my shoulders onto my chest, as Emma leans into kiss me. Her lips connecting gently with mine. At first, I reject the warm, tender embrace but slowly feel myself melt into her sweet, vanilla flavoured lips. She brings her hand to cup my cheek and with her other hand she pushes the hair behind my ear, all this time my arms placed sporadically on her back. Her weight begins to increase as we both close the gap in between us and lock lips even more. She breaks away first, resting her forehead against mine. As she slips her hands away from my face my hands follow up her arms to connect with her own hands and she intertwined our fingers together.

"Miss Swan. What a pleasant awakening!"

"Regina, I don't know why but, I was so worried about you. I didn't know what had happened to you, or where they had taken you. I thought if I didn't find you I might never see you again"

"Well, you certainly found me!" I smile so big and so bright that it reflects back onto Emma's face. How is this happening right now? How am I falling for my gym instructor? A women, no less! See, you think you've got your life all figured out, never realising that at age Twenty-Five it could all just drastically change.

"The doctor said you need to rest, but I don't want to leave you yet. I know it's not exactly romantic but why don't I grab something from the Hospital cafeteria and we can have a little meal, together?" 

I can't say it was exactly the first date I had envisioned but I suppose if Emma was there, that's all I hoped for.

She came back with what seemed to be a sort of jellow and a half sliced apple turnover. Now, usually apple turnovers would do me perfectly but with the way my stomach is treating me at the moment, and mixed with the intensity of these butterflies I'm feeling for Miss Swan, I can't seem to choke it down! Emma grabs the guest chair beside the bed as I sit myself up and she swings her legs so they're resting on the bed. I'm watching her attentively as she scraps the last remaining jellow from the pot and serves the spoon into her mouth; I'm absolutely mesmerised by this ravishing creature seated before me. 

"You know, If this is like all the dates you take your women on Miss Swan, I might just have to show you how it's done, dear" ...



Thank you so much If you're reading this. I can't stop writing and I am too excited to see where these two characters take us. Also, if the writing is too formal please just tell and I'll dim it down a little!!! 

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