#6 - Date Night

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Sorry, but there is the mention of illness and some emotion scenes of distress. Apologies if this effects anyone ... Happy reading 😊


I can tell you, Regina and I are a right pair. I'm having sinister dreams almost every night and Regina's waking up from a wild sex dream between her and someone. The Odd thing is when I asked her who it was she was with she didn't reply. I don't know if that means she doesn't know who it is or if it's someone I don't want to know about! 

Not much has happened in the last few days ... Both Regina and I have been allowed time off work - mine for an unstable mental health and Regina because she conked out on the gym floor! Well, I say she has time off. All the time I've been with her she's still been working - I guess that's what you get for being the Mayor. Although, if I see her getting too stressed I am pretty good at relieving the pain! The other day she was working for eight hours straight with paperwork, in her office, and so I was finally allowed entrance into it! I can't understand why someone needs two offices? One at the Town hall, one at home ... I've even heard that she has a family crypt in the cemetery, not that I go there often.  Everyone knows there are two places you won't catch Emma Swan; at a hospital or at a cemetery. Anyway, my point being, we had sporadic and wild sex on her office table. It was a little weird though because she has a painting of a horse hung opposite her desk and I just thought it was staring at me the entire time! The thing is, I've never felt like I've been a cute and cuddly person, but ever since Regina and I have been  ... well, whatever we've been doing ... I love just lying in bed, with her and just cuddling!


Sometimes at night I still can't believe I'm sleeping with such a beauty like Miss. Swan - two reasons being she's a girl and I did have my mind set, well, I thought I had! And she's just so ... warm! Last night was Fourth of July and so we watched the fireworks from my Bedroom window, overlooking the whole town light up in a red, blue and white array and then we just went to bed. We didn't have sex, we just spooned and enjoyed the night in each other's arms. I love when she falls asleep on my chest with her face in my boobs, and I just brush out her long blonde curls until they've gone poofy and static ... I think it's just so adorable. And she always compliments me at times I least expect it. I was cooking us some of my famous homemade lasagnas and she came up behind me, wrapping her muscular arms around my waist, squeezing tight and we just stood like that for the whole time - needless to say, the lasagnas were a little burnt!


"Miss Swan? Emma ... where are you?" I had just gotten in from a long day at the office and wanted to surprise my little swan with some news, but I couldn't find her anywhere. She wasn't in the living room where I usually find her, she wasn't in my bedroom - I thought maybe she fell asleep. Until I went downstairs, to see a large cloud of smoke hovering past the window, venturing from outside. I step out to the patio and see Emma, with a cigarette in one hand and her mobile phone in the other, pressed against her ear with her back turned away. I sneak up behind her and gently place my hands over her eyes, pressing my body flush against hers.  "Guess who" I whispered calmingly into her ear that didn't have the phone against it. 

"I'll call you back later Neal ... I have to go"

She turned around and had tears streaming down her face, leaving marks as they travelled. She took one look at me and burst into floods of tears and jump at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and one leg around mine. Her sobs left stains on my new silk blouse but I really didn't care - What was wrong with Emma? I took the cigarette from her hand that was close to burning the top off of my back and smacked it to the ground, extinguishing the light. I lifted her head up so we met eye contact and her eyebrows raised, arched and met in the middle when she started crying again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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