Chapter 2

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I took a deep breath in before dialling the number of my little girl's parents. I was nervous to say the least.

"Hello, sorry I can't answer your call right now please leave a message after the beep." Shit they didn't answer the call. I now had to think on the spot as I came up with a message.

"Hello. It's me Gaga. I don't know if you remember me. I am the biological mother of Angelina. So I know it was her birthday was 3 days ago and I have been thinking a lot. I really want to meet her. Can you please call me back on 555 555 555 so we can discus it."

I felt a little defeated that I hadn't been able to reach her parents. I started to feel like it may be a sign I will never reach her. Maybe Tay was right and I should just leave her in the past.

I stopped myself on that thought. I couldn't just give up on my baby like that.

That's when my phone rang. I didn't want to excite myself but I was sure hoping it was her parents.

"Hello. It's Chris. I got your message." The man on the other side of the line says as I answer the phone.

"Hey it's Gaga." I say, having to remind myself to breath. "Yeah, so I was wondering if it would be possible for me to see Angelina. I completely understand if you don't want me to. I mean you are her parents. But if I could that would be great."

"You actually couldn't have rung at a better time." He tells me. "She is currently learning about families at school and she is starting to ask a lot of questions. Nathan and I were thinking it might be time to tell her."

I breathe out in joy. This is the best news I have had in quite some time.

My joy is short lasting before I start to wonder about what I'm going to say, what I'm going to do. I realise I don't even know what she looks like. What if she doesn't want to know me.

I try to forget about all of these things. She is my daughter after all.

I go over to the kitchen to start preparing my dinner. I don't know if I feel more happy and exited or scared and nervous. Both of the feelings are exploding inside of me.

I realise that it is just as much Taylor's daughter as it is mine. So I ring him to tell him about what I'm going to do. To see if he wants to see her too.

"Hey Tay, it's me." I say as he answers the phone.

"Hey, how have you been going?" He asks.

"So I rang up her parents. They are going to let me meet her Tay. I'm going to meet my baby, our baby."

"Wow that's amazing." He says, "I'm exited for you."

"So I was wondering if you wanted to come along as well. You are her father."

"Look Steff. I told you. I don't want to dwell on the whole ordeal. I want to leave it in the past and move on with my life." He says.

I feel a little bit heart broken. Not for myself but for the baby.

"Oh, I guess if that's what you want to do." I pine.

We don't say much more and I soon hang up. I am left again to worry about what's going to happen once I see my little girl.

That's My Girl // A Lady Gaga FanficWhere stories live. Discover now