Chapter 13

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Ever since Angelina's parents told her they were going to break up she has been extremely upset. I keep trying to get her to be a bit happier but she wont even smile. I let her take a few days off from school so she can adjust. I want to take her out but she doesn't want to leave the house. She wont get out of bed much either.

I go into her room with her breakfast. "Ainge baby. I know you're upset but I really want you to come out. It might make you feel better."

She sits up and looks at me. "Do you think it will ever be better. Do you think that dad and daddy will ever get back together."

"Look Ainge. I don't think that they will ever get back together. Unfortunately things change and things we thought were perfect fall apart. I wish for you that maybe one day they will get back together. But unfortunately Angelina I really doubt that's going to happen. But hey maybe that's not the worst thing in the world. I mean both of your daddies love you so so much. And you have me now. And I love you so so much. I'm sure overtime everything will get better. Just hold in."

She turns over into her bed and starts crying again. I place her plate of breakfast down on the table and sit by her trying to comfort her. I'm starting to get really worried about her. She is too young to be this upset. I hope she starts to cheer up soon.

I go back into the kitchen and sit down at the table with my head in my hands. What was I going to do about Angelina?

I was only thinking for a little while before she came back into the room.

"Do you want to do something?" She asks.

I smile. I'm so happy she is starting to feel better.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to go see the horseys again."

I take her back down to central park. She seems a bit happier but she is still very upset. She seems to cheer up when she sees the horses.

As we ride I get a phone call from Nathan. He tells me that he really wants to see Angelina.

I turn to Ainge and ask her. "Babe is it okay if you see daddy soon. He really misses you."

She shakes her head.

"Sorry Nathan, I'm going to have to ring you back." I say as I hang up the phone.

"Aingie why don't you want to see daddy?"

"Because he and dad aren't together anymore. I'm really upset with them." She says crossing her arms.

"But Ainge, they both really love you. They didn't mean to hurt you but now they really miss you. I truly think you should forgive them."

She shakes her head. "No."

"Look Ainge. I know this has been tough on you but think about how it has been on them. They just want to see their little girl."

She thinks about it for a moment.

"Ainge come on. Remember when you first met me. You didn't want to speak to me but now here you are."

"Fine." She huffs, "I do kinda miss him."

"That's a girl."

That's My Girl // A Lady Gaga FanficWhere stories live. Discover now