Epilogue 2

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Right now I am feeling more happy and proud than I ever could have imagined before Angelina came into my life. Because I am currently sitting in the auditorium waiting for the start of a high school performance of none other than Guys and Dolls where my baby will play none other than Adelaide. I couldn't believe how much she had taken after me. I saw my 16 year old girl up on stage ready as the lights turned on and I couldn't have been more proud if it was me up there. The thing that made it so much more amazing was the fact that once it was me up there. I had given her the same wig I wore hen I played the character.

She began the play and one thing was for sure. All of the attention was on her. The audience laughed with her and cried with her. At the end of the play she got the standing ovation that she earned.

All Nathan Chris and I rushed backstage to pay her praise. I couldn't have been more proud of my little girl. Well my big girl, and all that she has achieved. The next thing I know I will be sitting in the crowd as she gets a Grammy.

She leans down and hugs me. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"No sweetie. This was all you." I correct.

"If it wasn't for you helping me learn my lines and showing me what to do I never would have been able to do it."

"Angelina babe. What you did out there was 100% you."

We all went out to dinner together. Though Chris and Nathan weren't together they didn't let that get in the way of celebrating their daughters achievements. Luckily she had been able to move on from the divorce. It took her a while but she finally accepted it. We had decided that Nathan got her during the week and on Saturdays. Chris often spent Sundays with her and She would come and visit me every school holidays. Even if it was just for 3 days. I missed her incredibly throughout the rest of the term. I would still often go to visit her though. We found we really bonded.

"I have a bit of a speech prepared." I say in the middle of our dinner. "Sorry about this but I just really have to say it. Angelina, I know I missed most of the first part of your life but from the second I found out that you were a remarkable and beautiful girl. I have watched you grow into an amazing person and this has really been a highlight of my life. I am so proud to have given birth to such a wonderful person. I can't wait to see you turn into a young adult."

Tears form in my eyes as I deliver my speech. As they do to Angelina.

"Steff I love you so so bloody much." She cries. "I think I might just me the luckiest girl alive."

That's My Girl // A Lady Gaga FanficWhere stories live. Discover now