Chapter 9

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After Angelina called me I didn't get to see her for 2 weeks. Until I got a call from Chris one Wednesday.

"Hello, it's Chris. I was wondering if it would be possible for Angelina to spend a few days at your house. We were going to send her to her grandparents but she is begging to come to yours instead."

"Yeah sure." I reply, "I would love that. But why?"

"Well Nathan has a work trip he has to attended and. Uhrg, Look the real reason is that Nathan and I have been at each others throats lately and we think it might be best to get her out of the house for a little bit."

"I understand." I say, "She can stay as long as you need."

"Just don't tell Nathan I told you. He asked me not to."

"Sure, but I just need to know. Is this my fault? I mean Angelina was telling me about how you were disagreeing about me being in her life."

"No, we had started before that. I don't think she knew yet. But that was just something to add to the extensive basket."

"Right I understand." I say. "See you soon."

"See you soon."

Asia comes over and sits on my lap.

"Did you hear that little girl? My baby doesn't hate me."

My two other dogs come and join me on the couch. I snuggle up with all three of them because right now I am terrifyingly happy.

I keep repeating over and over to myself. "My baby wants to see me."

I wait two hours before they arrive. Angelina is very happy to seem me. She runs up to me and gives me a massive hug. I give her one back.

"Okay, well everything seems to be okay. Nathan and I will be going now Ainge. Will you be okay." She nods. "Well behave for Steff and we should be back in a few days."

Her parents head off and we are left alone together.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

She smiles. "Can we do something fun!"

"Like what?" I ask. She shrugs. "I know." I say, "How about we go to the theatre to see a musical. You like that sort of stuff don't you."

She nods her head excitedly. "Pleas please please can we do that." She begs.

"Of course." I laugh, "What do you want to see."

Just over an hour later I arrive at the theatre. I show Angelina the shows that are playing. She selects a musical about fairies. I guess she's a 7 year old girl.

She gets really exited as I go up to the counter and purchase the tickets.

"Have you been to the theatre before?" I ask her.

She nods her head. "I've been about 3 times."

"Did you enjoy it?" I ask.

She nods her head excitedly. "They were awesome. I can't wait to see another one."

I'm glad my daughter likes theatre.

"Ainge, are you hungry sweetie?" I ask. I notice it is getting close to six. She is young so she is probably used to eating early.

"I'm starving." She says rubbing her tummy. There is still a little bit of time left before the show starts so I go over to the theatres restaurant.

"What would you like to eat?" I ask her as we sit down.

She picks up the menu and starts reading.

"Can you read that?" I ask.

She nods her head and starts reading out loud.

"Paamaagini with chips. Lasanga with chips."

I laugh "it's Parmigiana and lasagne." I correct. "Do you know what you want."

"Spaghetti." She yells with a big smile, "I love spaghetti."

When the waitress comes around I order 2 spaghettis.

"Extra cheese please." She smiles.

Once the food comes Ainge piles a mountain of cheese onto her plate. There is nearly more cheese than there is pasta. She then eats the mound of cheese and then very little pasta.

"I feel sick." She complains.

"That's probably because of all the cheese you ate." I say.

"I love cheese." she smiles. Before returning to moaning about how much her tummy hurts.

"Well if you feel so sick we might have to sit out the play and take you home."

She jumps up. "I feel all better now."

I laugh and pay the bill. I'm in a good mood so I leave a large tip.

We then went to watch the play. While I didn't fully enjoy the story line I loved watching it with Angelina. I loved that I was able to watch it with my little girl.

The play finished at about 9 and Angelina was absolutely tired. I had to carry her back to the car because she could barely keep her eyes open.

Once we arrived home I tucked her into my spare bed.

"Sleep tight Ainge." I whispered as I kissed her forehead and left the room.

I went into the lounge room and started writing a new song. I looked up and saw Angelina standing in the door way.

"I can't sleep. I'm not tired." She grinned.

"You were falling asleep on the way here." I say.

"That was before. Now I'm not tired."

I sigh. "Come on cheeky girl. We have to get you back to bed."

I pick her up and carry her back into the room. I place her down and start singing to her.

"You have a really beautiful voice." She says.


She starts to drift off so I carefully start to leave the room.

"No don't leave." She protests as I make it to the doorway. "It's scary and I'm lonely."

"There's nothing to be scared about." I say.

"But I don't want to be alone."

"How about you sleep on my floor." I suggest. "Then you will have me there."

She grins. "Yes please."

I struggle to move the mattress off her bed but I eventually manage to make it to my room. She lies down and I decide I'm ready for bed. I only lie down for about a minute before I feel her getting into bed with me.

"I hope I don't squish you during the night." I whisper before falling asleep.


And there goes my heart.  Tell me your thoughts.

That's My Girl // A Lady Gaga FanficWhere stories live. Discover now