Uh oh

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'Well... you do love each other's company don't you' Chaz said leaning over the chair looking at me and Justin as my head was rested on Justin's said and my legs sprawled out along the seats and Justin's head resting on mine.

'No I'm just irresistible that's all she can't handle my sexiness' I smacked him on his forehead sitting up straight up.

'Irresistible aye? I'll make a bet with you then I bet I can show you no affection to you for a week and if I do you win' I said he groaned.

'No Taylor' he said flicking me on my nose.

'Why not trying to prove you're too arrogant?' I said Justin narrowed his eyes.

'Okay fine deal, you'll crack in a few hours' he said shrugging.

'Keep telling that to yourself Biebs' I said smirking and putting in my headphones and I stayed like that for the rest of the plane ride.

I smiled as I looked out the window we had just landed in Brazil the bus got shipped over here there was only 1 bus now so we was all on 1 bus yippieee we all grabbed all of our belongings and got off the plane ready to get onto the bus. Emily pulled me to the side

'You better watch your mouth you lucky I didn't do anything to you back there, Kevin's coming soon so watch up'

'Oh what are you scared of Maria because you've got some competition with someone?'

'No I'm not scared just annoyed that she's around you 24/7 now you know Taylor you're a bitch'

'Well thank you'

'What's going on here' Jasmine said standing next to me crossing her arms over her chest.

'Nothing Jasmine, I was just saying that I was looking forward to doing maths with Emily' I said glaring at her then got onto the bus with Jasmine following behind.

'Okay so as it's 1 bus there's only 1 room so I'm not going to choose who gets it out of you 3 so you can choose' Scooter said.

'I'll take a bunk bed' Jasmine said.

'Me too' I said Justin sighed I guess he doesn't like this bet.

'I'm getting top bunk bed!'

'I'm on the bunk underneath Taylor' Maria said glaring at Emily she rolled her eyes.

'So' Pattie said sitting down next to me in the dressing room.

'Justin's birthday is in like 2 week's time his going to be 18 and he doesn't like parties for his birthday he usually just likes it to be him and his family and close friends but I want to throw him a party'

'No I don't want a party' Justin said entering the dressing room. I frowned.

'Why not it will be fun'

'Because I don't want one'

'Don't be such a party pooper you're having one' I said.

'I didn't throw you a party'

'that's different you didn't know me for that long' Pattie stood up.

'I'll just leave you to it' she said laughing and leaving the dressing room. Justin sat next to me

'I really don't like this bet I really don't' he said frowning.

'Awww poor Biebs' I said as Madison came into the dressing room.

'Showtime Tay' Madison said I nodded and stood up.


Justin's POV

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