Part 71 // say you wont let go

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Taylor's POV

I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the front door I groaned why is someone always waking me up when I'm in a perfect sleep. I sat up and looked at the time it was only 9am. Justin put his arm around me and pulled me back down.

'Just ignore it' he said.

'It might be important' I said.

'Doesn't matter they should come round at a decent time in the afternoon not fucking 9 in the morning' I giggled and moved his hand off me and sat up again. He pulled me back down.

'Justin' I whined.

'Last night was amazing' he said grinning.

'Yeah it was' I said smiling in agreement.

'You know... maybe we should relive it' he said winking running his hand over my bare stomach.

'Not today I'm so tired' I said leaning down kissing his cheek and got out of bed and slipped on a pair of shorts and a vest top.

'Can't handle the Jerry huh?'

'Jerry? I thought it was Bieberconda?' he shrugged.

'It's changed' he said I shook my head.

'You and the names you give your body parts' I said laughing.

'It's actually not me that names my body parts it's my hornball of a fan base'

'Well you can't say anything you're just as horny as them' I said laughing leaving the bedroom.

Justin ran up behind me and picked me up and put me over his shoulder and began walking down the stairs.

'Can't help it if I'm around someone beautiful every single day' he said I couldn't help but smile. I went to the door and opened it and saw Jamie there on the phone.

'Oh good morning I was just ringing you to wake up' he said pulling the phone away from his ear.

'Morning and oh right sorry I was sleeping'

'Sorry for waking you up but I've got all the paperwork' he said holding up a bunch of papers.

'Oh yeah come in' I said opening the wider and he walked in.

We went into the living room where Justin was playing Xbox at this time of the morning.

'Justin, how can you play videogames at this time?' I asked sitting down.

'Babe I could play this anytime of the day'

'I agree with him on that one' Jamie said.

'Want a game?' Justin asked.

'Sorry man got work to do' Jamie said and Justin nodded.

'Okay so what have you got for me?' I asked.

'Well first of all I got some layouts for the website if you like them then you can sign it off and I have some contracts having your own clothing line, an MTV documentary and a book deal and I have scheduled you to go overseas in March'

'Can I see the ideas for the website?' I asked he nodded and handed me them.

'Sorry I don't like any of these layouts' I said.

'That's fine why don't I set up a date for you and the designers to meet up and you can tell them your ideas?' I nodded.

We sorted out some other things I turned down the clothing line because that's not what I'm here for I'm here to help people not make clothes.

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