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'Awww Justin. She's so adorable' Erin said smiling holding Lexi and Jeremy stood next to Erin smiling. I was leaning against the wall trying to keep my eyes open.

'Yeah she is. She gets her looks from Taylor' Justin said smiling over at me I smiled back and closed my eyes.

I felt something grip onto my ear I opened my eyes and saw that it was Lexi grabbing a hold of my ear as she was resting on Justin's hip.

'Hello to you to' I said taking a hold of Lexi's hand.

'You look exhausted wanna go take a nap on the sofa?' he asked.

'Sounds perfect' I said yawning.

He handed Lexi over to me and I walked into the living room and went and layed on the sofa and placed Lexi onto my stomach.

'Time for a nap Lex' I said looking down at her as she held onto my little finger.

Justin came back into the living room with a couple of blankets he layed next to me and put the blankets over us and I lifted Lexi up so she was lying on my chest.

'Everything is sorted for Christmas right?' I asked.

'Yep everything is fine don't panic'

'Sorry I just want everything to be perfect since it's Lexi's first Christmas' I said.

'I know but don't worry it's going to be a good day' Justin said kissing me on my cheek.

'Now go to sleep you're tired' he said I rested my head on his shoulder Justin pecked me on my lips and kissed Lexi on her forehead and wrapped his arm around us both and I instantly fell asleep.

I woke up a couple of hours later to Lexi starting to cry. I sat up a bit and bounced her up and down a little bit.

'Shhh' I said softly.

Justin came and sat next to me and ran his finger over Lexi's cheek.

'Hey princess, what are you crying about?' he asked softly kissing her on her cheek after he done that she seemed to calm down.

'Tay, we're not staying here we're staying at my grandparents which we are leaving in about 5 minutes I was just about to come and wake you up' I nodded.

'My grandparents are excited to meet you even though they have but 2 years ago they didn't get to have a proper conversation with you because you know... and they are excited to see Lexi for the first time' he said smiling.

'I'm excited to see them again and I'm sure Lexi is excited as well even though she doesn't know what's going on' I said giggling.

'Justin, we're leaving now' Justin nodded and stood up and grabbed the bags and I stood up and rested Lexi on my hip as me, Justin, Jeremy and Erin left the house.

Jeremy and Erin was sitting in the front and me and Justin in the back with Lexi on my lap.

'Is your mum at your grandparents?' I asked he nodded.

'It's weird not having Yael and Scooter around' I said they were staying in Atlanta to spend Christmas with their family and I went with Justin.

'I understand if you want to go back home and spend Christmas with them' Justin said I shook my head.

'Nope I want to stay with you' he smiled and played with Lexi's fingers as she was gripping onto his little finger. We arrived at Justin's grandparents me and Justin got out and Justin grabbed the bags.

'See you soon dad' Justin said hugging Jeremy I waved them goodbye as they drove off Justin led me up to the front door and he opened it walking in and I followed him behind.

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