Chapter #3 First Day in the Underground (Bella)

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I wake up blushing and excited. But also nervous and scared that some weird Gaster guy has been looking for me and my friends our whole lives.
I hopped out of bed and got ready for the trip. Halfway through I get a text from my dad.

Hey sugar walls, I won't be home for a few days because I've got a hot date and I'm gonna be with her for the weekend or longer. But don't worry babe I'll be home within at least a week. <3


I screenshotted the message to show my dads "hot date" when I finally er to meet her. And deleted the real one so I wouldn't have to cringe every time I go to text my friends.
I put on some skinny jeans with a cute loose top and a Red vest over it with some boots.

I grabbed my bags and started making my way to Mt

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I grabbed my bags and started making my way to Mt. Ebbot.
I hopped on my bike and rode it for about 30 minutes to the bottom of the mountain. I left my bike there because something tells me that after this trip I won't need it anymore. I met up with my friends at the base of the me mountain and we all talked about our "dreams" "So Bella what's your Sans like?" Katie asked me. "HES FUCKING HOT. And the best part is he asked me on a date after we beat Gaster!" I tell the group. "Cool! Mine is so awesome! His name is Ink and he has an awesome magical paintbrush! I swear it's like I got him on purpose or something! But he told me he's already dating a different Sans named Error so I can't go hoping 3:" Emmy tells us. "What about yours Katie? Caleb?" Carly asks. I already know because I'm the only one who bothered to ask G who everyone else is getting. "Uhhh we're gonna wait for Carly to answer." They tell us. "Ok well my Sans is reaaallly hyper. He really likes tacos and he prefers to be called "The Magnificent Sans" or something like that" Carly explain. "WTF WE GOT THE WORST ONE POSSIBLE?!" Caleb yells. "OUR SANS IS OBSESSED WITH SEX!" Katie yells. "LIKE THATS THE LASSSSTTTT THING WE NEED RIGHT NOW!!" Caleb adds. "But the good thing is that everyone in that timeline knows we're coming so we don't need to worry about anyone trying to fuck us." Katie explains. "Well  should we head up now or are we just gonna continue talking about our Sex Crazed guardians?" I say like the Smart Ass I am. ٩( °༥° )و

We start making our way up the mountain and just like G mentioned there's the hole. "Are you guys ready?" I ask "Ready as ill ever be." Emmy tells us. "It'll be fine My Sans told me that we would be able to text and call through different timelines so we will still be in touch." Carly informs us. "Ok guys see you in 3 days!" Caleb and Katie jump followed by Carly, Emmy than me.
As I fall i get a psychedelic feeling, like im high or something, I see a bright light and im out cold.


I woke up in the same bed of flowers I stood in in my dreams. I look around for my my friends but they're gone. I walk down a dark hallway and there's G standing against the wall waiting for me.

 I walk down a dark hallway and there's G standing against the wall waiting for me

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"Hey you made it." G says to me.
Seeing him in person is making my heart beat faster than a bunch of Fangirls at a One Direction concert.
"Y-Yeah." If he can't tell im blushing, we need to get him to an optometrist as soon as we beat Gaster. "Heh. Your even cuter in person. Come on let me guide you through the Underground." G's voice is so deep! (>ω<)
"O-ok." I walk beside him for about 5 minutes with awkward silence until he tells a cheesy skeleton pun to ease the tension. "What do Skeletons hate about wind?" He asks me. "What?" I ask giggling a little bit. "Nothing, it goes right through them." I burst out laughing. "Hahaha! That's so bad!" I say say nearly crying. "No seriously it feels hella weird." I giggle. "So whats it like up there?" G asks me. "Its ok I guess. I mean for me and my friends at least." I reply "Are you sure? You don't seem to excited to talk about this." "Well its just.... Um.... Me and my friends have a uh, rough life." "How so?" "Well my dad um ever since my mom died rapes me every chance he gets, just because he doesn't have my mom to rape anymore." I regret telling him that. "And you guys don't have any sort of government? Or someone you can call to take care of it?" Oh no here we go. "W-We do. I just choose not to because im afraid. About what will happen if he gets out. My friends Katie and Caleb are the only one who have called the police on their parents." G pushes me against a wall. "Bella, let me tell you right now. As soon as we finish your training, and beat my Dad. We are going to go to your dad and blast him to hell. I promise you that right now." At this point my face is redder than a Baboons Butt.
He pulls away from the wall and we keep walking. Eventually we find a door and we go through. "God, it's freezing out here!" G stops walking and and takes off his Jacket leaving him in his jeans and Grey turtleneck. He walks over to me and puts his jacket around me. "Th-thank you G, you didn't have to do this though." I tell him. "No its fine I really only wear the Jacket for looks, i don't get cold. So your fine." HE'S A GENTLEMEN TOO!!! OH GOD WHY YOU DO DID TO ME?!? "Wow, thank you G!" "Don't mention it." We walk over a bridge and meet another skeleton there. He's a lot taller than G witch is surprising considering on the way here G told me he was 6,1. By the looks of it this guys is like 7,3! "Hey Papyrus, this is the human that'll be here for the next three days. Bella this is my brother, Papyrus." "Hi!" He walks up to shake my hand and me being only 5,10 im having to turn my head up at a 90 degree angle just to meet his face. "Hello! Nice to have you here!" He seems nice.

We keep walking to a little town called Snowdin, it's very nice and peaceful. There was a little bunny lady at the shop and a fire guy named Grillby at the nearest restaurant!
Ok Bella we have to head to this little empty area to train.

We walk towards this little area in the middle of the town. It's empty accept for a rock with a mustache.

"Ok Bella so you remember me saying you have a special ability, a magic power right?" He asks me "Yes." "Well your 'magic is very similar to mine. I'll demonstrate."
His left eye begins glowing yellow and he made bones of all shapes and sizes appear from the ground. Than he demonstrates what he calls a "Gaster Blaster." And fires it on a tree.
"Now your first time will feel weird but you will get used to it. Now focus your energy and attention to your magic."
My eye begins glowing Light blue , lime green and purple tie dye.
I end up conjuring about 6 Gaster Blasters at the same time and Almost end up hitting G But shockingly he dodged all of them.
"*breathing heavily* Woah, ok I think that's enough for today. Now you know how to use it tomorrow we will practice fighting. I'll pull out the fold out mattress from the couch and you can sleep there."
G and I walk to his house and he shows me around, after wards he lends me some of his pajama pants and turtle necks and I fall asleep.

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