Chapter#5 Katies Training

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  Katies POV

Still drying my tears, I keep walking towards Waterfall.
Soon enough I walk through a cloud if fog and suddenly everything is dark with only little lighting. But its calm. Peaceful.
There's water falls everywhere (hence the name).
After walking for about 5 minutes I see someone doing target practice with a blue spear. They seem to be like a humanoid fish person thing. They're wearing a green bikini and combat boots.
"Um... Hi?..." I walk up to the fish person. "Hey! You must be Katie! The names Undyne."
"H-Hi." Im still distraught over what had happend back in Snowdin. I dont know if this is gonna go just like the Sans Situation or if she will actually kind and understanding.
"Hey. Uh.... Listen I know about what happend back in Snowdin. Do you maybe wanna talk about it?" Wow. Shes super nice!! "P-please?" I begin to tear up again as I begin to tell Undyne what had happend that night.
"Wow. That's tough Katie. I know someone who's been in a similar situation. You'll probably meet them somewhere down here. Their name is Mettaton." "R-Really?" "Yeah. Ever since then everyone in the underground, well in this universe, has sworn only to fuck someone if they have the consent if that person." "That's good to know." "Ok enough with the sappy stuff lets get to training! You know how to activate your powers right?" "Um, yeah?" Hopefully I can do this without skewering Undyne.
As I begin to glow a galaxy aura my phone began ringing. Its Bella!
I answer.
"Hey Katie! How's it going over there?"
"Not to good. I only just met up with Undyne because of another situation with our sans. I swear if I ever see that jerk again, it'll be to soon." "Awwww. Im sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel better I almost ended up blasting my Sans to hell with a 'Gaster Blaster'!" "ITS TRUE!" I hear Bellas Sans yell from the background of the video call.
I giggle.
"Ok well I will leave you to train! See ya!"


"Ready?" Undyne asks.
"Ready." My galaxy aura comes back and the spears show up behind me. "Try aiming for that target I made!" Undyne points to the target she was doing target practice with before I got here. Just as im about to fire I look to my left and notice .... Another me.
I jump back. Losing focus but somehow the spears are still there.
"hOi! DId uS fOrGet AbOuT tEM???"
Oh that's right. Sans said I have some Temmie mixed in with my powers.
"Ah shit." Undyne seems to not like temmie very much. "Whats wrong Undyne? " I ask le fish lady. "Its just that... TEMMIES SUCCCKKK. They're so annoying!" "Excuse you but I just apparently have some heritage to temmie, thank you very much." Me and my clone say in unison.
"I know that but temmie is always a distraction. At least now you know how to clone yourself." "I guess so. You know your a lot more understanding than Sans. That guy is a complete jerk." "Tell me about it. At least everyone else fucks in private, but that guy has no decency. One time at Grillbys he and Grillby went 'Giggity-Giggity' on the counter. Everyone stopped ordering for the rest of the night. And a lot of people barfed up all the drinks they had that night." "EWWWWWWWWW!" "I know right."
"Aaaannnnyyyways..... OH TEMMIE LOOK DOG RESIDUE!" "aWAwAWA!!!! wHeRe?!?"

*Temmie ran off to find le dog residues.

I got excited and looked to see where the dog residue was. Before I quickly realized that it was just a distraction Undyne used to get Temmie to leave.

Im starting to see how im related to temmie.

"Ok. NOOOWWW lets train."
Me and Undyne trained for about and hour. At one point we battled and my clones kept confusing her. •̀.̫•́✧

As we walked back to Undynes I got another call.
Its Emmy!!!


"Hey Katie! I just got done training with Sans! How's that universe going?" "Well the beginning was kind if rough but now its great!" "What happend?" I explain what happend as I begin to get annoyed with people asking me that.
"Awwww man. That sucks. THAT SEX-CRAZED-SANS IS A MEANIEPOOPOO!!!!!!! ( •̀ㅁ•́;)"
"Heh. No shit though!" "Look at what I learned to do!!" Emmy demonstrates as flames pop up in her hands."Dooopppeeeeee!!!" I say. "There's one more thing!" Emmy pulls out this fucking majestic rainbow pencil.
"I KNOW RIGHT!! MY SANS GAVE IT TO ME!!" "Ok look! This is what I learned!" I demonstrate the Galaxy Spears and my cloning."WAT." "Sah Dude!" Me and my 4 clones say as we hold up the peace sign "THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME!!! DAYUM MY FIREBALLS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO THAT!" "And I even taught her this!" Undyne intervenes. "You ready?" She asks me. "Yeah let me put down the camera." I put it down up against a wall as me and Undyne start fighting with my very own song in the background!


Im pwoud. ٩( °༥° )و ₎₎
"*pants* ta-daaaahhhh *pants*" I say nearly dying.
"I have a theme to! Hey Ink get over here!!!"

"*pants* your not the only one with a theme song.* Carly and Bella sent me a vid of theirs earlier. *pants*" says Emmy "SEND. IT. TO. ME. NOWWWWW."
Emmy sent them to me and I can't deny.
Le Bellas Theme.

Le Carwees theme


Eventually me and Emmy ended the call and me and Undyne started walking to her house again.
We watched some rated r movie on Nerflix and became FUCKING BESTIES.
We fell asleep really late.
Long story short.

Im definitely bringing Undyne back to the surface with me.

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