Chapter#8 The Final Battle

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Bella's POV

"G, No!" I yell. "Don't worry, babe. I got this.
"This is very brave of you son, I applaud that. Now without further ado-*gasp!*" "This ain't the UNDERGROUND bitch!" Caleb shot a blue bone straight through Gasters stomach. "Why you little cretin!"

Gaster prepares to throw a punch at Caleb. "Excuse me.*taps on shoulder*" Katie's and two of her clones are there behind Gaster and as soon as he turns around they punch him in the face. "GET DUNKED ON BIATCHHHHH!!!!" Katie yells.

Emmy prepares a massive fireball to distract Gaster while I swoop in from behind with 3 gaster blasters and blast him. "Grrr Ive had enough of You imbeciles!!!"

Gaster summons bones from the ground and we keep needing to dodge left and right. All of our souls are visible at this point so we are trying our best keep them safe.

"AGH!" Emmy has been impaired by the blue bone. "NOO EMMY!!!!!!" Carly, Katie and I run over to her and hold her. She's coughing up blood and she can barely speak. "N-No... Your gonna be ok we can fix this! I-" "Bella.. tell my dad I love him please..." her eyes close and her lavender soul shatters. "EMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!We all sit there balling my eyes out for about 30 seconds as the Caleb and G keeps dealing with Gaster.

I turn around with my eye glowing and tears flooding out of my eyes. "Your gonna pay for what you just did... YOUR GONNA PAY GOD DAMN IT!"

Gaster Blasters popping up left and right all around me, bones coming up every inch around Gaster.

What he just did was unforgivable.

"y o u r g o n n a h a v e a b a d t i m e. . ."

My theme song started playing out of no where.

G and the gang backed up into the empty cells for safety. They figured I could handle things on my own I guess. And they were damn right.
All of the blasters fired and all of them hit Gaster.

Gaster apparently had another plan, he conjured up Gaster Blasters of his own and I flinched and was hit.

1 hp. Damn it.

"BELLA!!" I hear Katie yell as she runs out of the cell to my aid. "Tag team. I'll take him, you just rest." "No." I deny. "I'm not gonna sit around as my friends get hurt for me. So if your gonna fight, then no matter how low my health is, I'll fight too." "Bella... your hp?..." "I don't care. Let's take this bitch down." "Gotcha."

"Listen here ass wipe. You killed Emmy and you nearly just killed Bella. Your lucky I didn't skewer you after Emmys death. But let me warn you now. If you wanna take us down..." Katie's eye begins emitting a bright light. Like her brain is having rave or something. She begins too wield a galaxy spear, as many more pop up behind her.

"Your gonna have to try a little harder than that!"

Clones appear all around Gaster. "Get ready for meh special attack!" Gaster looks confused. "SEXY CLONE~JUSTU!" All of Katie's clones are now naked.

Gaster loses focus and falls backwards and his nose splurts blood anime style.

*Camera Click

"WTF WAS THAT?" Caleb turns around only to find Lust Sans standing outside the prison window with his phone out and hand in his pants.

Caleb yells. My eye starts to glow and G holds me back."Shhhhhh... Calebs got this...." Ahhh his deep voice calms me down.... Ahhhh Senpai~ G starts cuddling me and I begin to calm down to much. "You know what Katie, you seem like you got this under control... Imma just be over here with G.... zzzzzzzz"

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