Another Accident Part 2

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Yn Pov

Ur thoughts: I woke up. My vision was alittle blury. Then, I saw I was in a hospital. I sat up alittle. And looked around the room. I felt my head which was bandaged. I heard the toilet flash in the bathroom. Then, a girl came out.

The Girl:Omg! Ur awake! (Sits next to u in a chair)
Yn:um.. yes I am.
The Girl:Lol sorry u probably don't remember me. I'm ur older sister. Thalia.
Yn:really! It's really u!
Thalia:lol yes it is. So how u feeling. U know since the crash.
Yn:The crash...? Sh*t! The car crash! Were's prince!
Thalia:u mean that afro boy? Oh he's in room 312. Down the hall.
Yn:come on Thalia we have to go check on him. (Takes ur IV off)
Thalia:um.. okay (helps u up)

Ur thoughts: As soon as me and Thalia left my room. I took off running to prince's room. I opened his door. And there he was. Laying there. Looking life less and pale. I walked over to him and held his hand. I pulled a chair up to his bed. And just sat there. Looking at how dead he look. Thalia sat on the couch in the room. "He'll be okay" Thalia said. A tear fell from my face to his. When, I leaned over to give him a kiss. He opened his eyes and kissed me back. I pulled back.

Prince:u could of waited till I woke up. (Raspy voice)
Prince:it's cool. (Wipes ur tear)
Prince:(looks at Thalia) who's that?
Yn:oh! That's Thalia my sister.
Thalia:hi. Nice to meet u. (Shakes hands with prince)
Prince:(smiles and shakes her hand)

Prince Pov

Prince thoughts: Damn. Yn's sister is sexy. But, I love yn. But her sister. Me and Thalia looked each other in the eye. Her eyes are beautiful. "So uh Thalia. How old are u" I said. She looked at me and smiled alittle. Then, said "16". Damn! She's older than me. I smiled and said "I'm Princeton. I'm 15.". She laughed and said "I already knew that". I chuckled. Then, a nurse came in.

Nurse: Oh I just knew she'd be in here
Yn:who me?
Nurse:yes. Now come on. U gotta go back to ur room.
Yn:how u know I'd be here?
Nurse:well he is ur boyfriend right?
Nurse:okay I was right. Now let's go.

U, Thalia,and The Nurse Go to ur room

Yn Pov

The nurse:(putting ur IV in)
Yn:... Thalia when u leaving?
Thalia:I'm staying with u. Ur my baby sis.
The nurse:Ur leaving tomorrow honey (leaves)
Thalia:I'm also moving into the MB house. To be closer to U (smiles)
Yn:that's great! But, I'm kinda tired.
Thalia:oh well u can go to sleep.
Yn:Okay see u tomorrow... (goes to sleep)

Next Day

Ur thoughts: I woke up to Thalia and roc talking. "Uh hi?" I said. They both looked at me.

Roc:I came to see u and prince.
Yn:I'm guessing u like her?
Yn:(points to Thalia)
Roc:oh! Her I just met her. But, she is gorgeous.
Thalia:(laughs) thank u
Roc:ur welcome
Yn:I wonna go see Justice (you'll learn about her in the next chapter)

Ur thoughts: I pressed the nurse button. She came in. "Can I go visit a friend?" I said. "Sure hun" she replied. She left and came back to help me up. I looked at Thalia and roc and said "y'all can wait here till I get back". They both shook their heads yes. And went back to talking. I rolled my IV down to the elevator with me. I pressed her floor number. The elevator opened. I walked down the hall till I found her room number. Found it! I opened the door. And saw...

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