Telling Prince What Happened

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Prince Pov

Roc and Anna are suppose to be coming over. So I was waiting for them downstairs. Yn was getting ready to pick up Anthony from my mom's.

Prince:it's open!
Roc:(walks in) sup man
Prince:hey (does handshake)
Anna:hi uncle prince
Prince:hi Anna.
Anna:where's Anthony?
Prince:at his Grandma's. Yn's going to go get him right now
Yn:(comes downstairs) Hey when did my favorite niece get here
Anna:I'm ur only niece (laughs)
Yn:(giggles) I know. Alright prince I'm leaving (kisses him)
Roc:aye prince can u watch her for a min? I'm gonna get something from the store
Roc:Ight thanks
Anna:bye daddy (kisses his cheek)
Roc:bye baby girl (leaves)
Prince:okay so Anna u want a snack?
Anna:(nods) yes please!

Me and Anna walked to the kitchen

Prince:(grabbing some fruit snacks)
Anna:where's uncle Ray Ray? He's always here
Prince:he's up in his room sleep. (Hands her candy)
Anna:I'm gonna go get him (runs upstairs)

In Ray Ray's room

Anna:(screams) a spider!!
Ray:(stands on bed) where!? Where!?
Anna:(laughing on the ground) u should've seen ur face
Ray:(looking with a straight face) that's not funny. Y'all know I don't like bugs
Anna:I know. Auntie Yn taught me that.
Ray:(sits down) y'all have no respect for me
Anna:(giggles) I respect u. I have too (sits next to him) uncle ray why don't u have a girlfriend?
Ray:well because I'm still looking for my number one girl
Ray:yeah so I'm gonna take a shower and ur gonna get out
Anna:u could've asked nicely (leaves)

Downstairs with Princeton

Anna:(walks in the living room) uncle prince can I tell u something?
Prince:yeah go ahead
Anna:if u and Auntie Yn go out. Why did her and my dad kiss?
Prince:they what?
Anna:they kissed. Yesterday at my house. She was on the counter and he was in front of her and they were kissing
Prince:u sure that's what u saw?

Yn comes home. Anthony's sleep in her arms

Prince:hey babe I'll take him upstairs (grabs Anthony)

Roc comes back

Anna:yay daddy's back! Can we go now dad?
Anna:dad I told Uncle prince. Except I forgot to tell him it was a mistake
Yn:(stands up) told him what?
Anna:about y'all kissing
Roc:Anna why would u do that!
Anna:I'm sorry I didn't know he wasn't suppose to know
Roc:next time u wanna tell my business! ASK BEFORE U DO IT!!
Anna:(starts crying) I didn't know! Daddy I'm sorry!
Roc:(sighs) its alright
Anna:are u mad at me?
Roc:no. Um bye Yn tell prince I said bye

Anna and Roc leaves

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