Kid! Natsu x Kid! Gray

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~Natsu's POV~
"E-Erza!" Gray stuttered out, almost incoherently.
I was so fed up with her! Scaring people to do things for you is wrong! You treat people kindly, and I'm tired of cowering under Erza's shadow, but now she has just crossed the line.... You do not make my Gray scared just because of your stupid butt strawberry cake! I could feel how my flames were just eating at my skin from under the surface, just waiting to do their job and to get the word across.

I threw my self in front of Gray shouting, " Don't hurt him!", everyone just awed, but there was nothing to be looked at like we are your entertainment.
I looked behind me after I felt something moving suddenly, just to see Gray actually quivering in pure fear and terror.... I grabbed him and pulled him to my chest, and hugged him tightly like he was my favorite teddy bear.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him!!" I growled out, that stopped their 'ooohs and awwws'. Then everyone kept saying or whispering to one another saying, 'awww, Gray has a protector!', some would squeal and so on and so on.... But, she is supposed to be our comrade, not scaring or terrorizing your guild mate/ fellow member, who is supposed to be one of the many people in this guild's family!

"You're supposed to be his comrade, not to scare him to the point of being paralyzed with fear! He already had a horrible, terrifying, and tragic past that already had a demon, who still haunts and terrifies him to this very day! If you don't understand and respect that, and don't back the fuck off of him, then I will kill you with no regrets!!!" I wasn't going to stand by as this all transpired...
"Gray, step back." As I said the three word sentenced command, the guild master, Gramps, came between us two.
He looked at me, the evidence of the murderous and dangerous glints that shone in my dark brown, yet hazel eyes as clear as the sun. He was taking this seriously, if the pure terror on the scarlet haired female's face was anything to go by, I growled out my vengeance against the slightly older female as she threatened the only thing keeping me here was Gray, after Igneel randomly disappeared one day... And she was not taking Gray too, not without me being dead, or even then. A dragon protects and fights for what is precious to them. The same applies to me...

~No One's POV~

"Erza, back away from Natsu and Gray right now, and go to my office!" The elderly male screeched at the redheaded female, as he was obviously did not approve of her behavior, the look on his face may have almost beat the murderous facial expression I had held, the keyword being 'almost'.

"Yeah, that's why no one threatens Gray or his life, as he has a very powerful dragon protecting him." Erza concluded, telling Lucy the story why she never threatens or scares Gray or Natsu, as she does everyone else when the distasteful actions or behaviors.
"He doesn't care if I do it to anyone else, but may Mavis help me, if I ever make the dreadful mistake to ever do anything to Gray or even breath or look at him the wrong way.." Erza said, while looking longingly glazing at the sky as she and Lucy sat at a small, round table on the outside of a café, as it was snowing both drinking hot chocolate.
"It doesn't matter how close you are to him, or how much he loves you, you look at Gray or breath at him the wrong way-...", she interrupted herself by shivering pretty hard, "if you have a dark or dangerous aura around from maybe the bad day you were having, and Gray may come over casually asking 'what's wrong' or 'what's up with you'. Or his favorite: 'what crawled up your ass and died..' And you get annoyed at him as you're not in the mood to talk, you can take it out on anybody, but if you outburst on Gray, you best believe Natsu is going to beat your ass... Gajeel made the fatal mistake of that, as he was already having an unlucky day to begin with. Gajeel couldn't do a mission for more than over a year." She finished. Smiling a little at the memory of Natsu being that protective.

Lucy shivered, she did not want to mess with him or what him and Gray have.
Erza and Lucy looked over to Natsu and Gray, who were giggling well more like Gray while Natsu watches in secret awe.
The four were on a double date, Erza dating Lucy and Natsu dating Gray, to Lucy's knowledge the two have been dating six going to seven years long. She was more than amazed by their love... Why doesn't Natsu just fully claim him- as in, proposing to him and marrying him, even though she pretty sure being claimed and mated to him is enough. Those two were in their own little world... Lucy thought it was cute that Gray being a little shorter than her, and being shorter than Natsu was absolutely adorable..... She obsessed over couple's height differences.(I really like the thought of Gray being shorter than Natsu!!!) When she snapped out of her own personal musings, she discovered that Natsu said a dirty joke, that was way more than 18 or older. He even went into description about it. Gray was flaring red, but it dissolved off of his pale, canvas face that made it easy to see even the slightest bit of color. Now, Erza and Gray looked at him actually interested in his disgusting and disturbing description of his sick and pervy imagination, that he just turned into a joke. Apparently Natsu was talking about a kink fetish, and Gray asked, rather shyly, if Natsu could do that to him.. Natsu and Gray, mostly Gray, were asexuals, the kink he was explaining about was a praise kink... It was so cute!!

"Awww, Gray, of course he can do that, can't he?!" Erza shouted to the everlasting lovers.
Gray looked up at Natsu a cute, exciting glint shimmering in his own special color of blue irises.
"Of course I can, Gray!" Natsu shouted happily.
"Yay!" The exclamation came from Gray Fullbuster himself!!! This was his immediate answer that followed Natsu's own shout.

The dating game was so weird, but worth it.
Gray and Natsu and Erza were getting drunk... Gray and Erza were absolutely horrible when drunk, everyone feared those two more than even their worst and strongest enemies. Gray and Erza could hold their alcohol or whatever theu were drinking, Gray could beat Cana and their guild master. He would feel a hangover, he may be grumpy for the day, but you'll probably spot him drinking again by the end of the day. They were getting drunk, since they moved to the inside of a very spacious bar/ club/ karaoke place.

It was all fine until some guy came over to Gray, and started to wrap his arms around Gray, Gray being almost all the way sober (since he is the queen/ King of holding liquor and alcohol, since no one can beat him he is the queen and the king.) he had just a little more patience then a certain 'Salamander'. It was obviously clear he was waiting on Natsu to come near his radius so he could say that he belongs to another. Lucy was just sitting and watching, waiting for Natsu to beat this mysterious male up, she already heard about what Gajeel ended up like after only having a bad attitude with Gray, but this mysterious male was actually touching and trying to seduce him, but failing. Natsu is a force to be reckoned with, but this, this was summoning something far greater then just some 'force of nature'. Erza was waiting just as Lucy was, Natsu was coming. Gray was already freezing the guy, right before he was punching and kicking the strange male. Natsu dropped his two white, see-through cups that held an alcoholic beverage in each, with his mouth hanging. Wide. Open.. Lucy and Erza were clinging to each other, Erza may have witnessed his unrequited rage, even personally, but this was a whole other thing. The bartenders and employees just whistled along, yet walking turning into sprinting as they knew what was about to transpire. Natsu saw Gray's face, he had a smirk on his face and nudged his head to the said strange male, now trying to kiss Gray Fullbuster. They are both going to beat the ever. Living. Shit. Out of this guy.
~Time Skip~
That guy would be lucky if he's stuck in a wheel chair, or even alive. They checked his pulse and said he was alive, but Erza and Lucy strongly disagree, but were more then just scared shit-less.

Now, Lucy and Erza knew never to touch a dragon's prized possessions, especially if it's their mate, and if that dragon is Natsu Dragneel.

Sorry, I haven't been on here for awhile!!! And sorry if this doesn't suit what you wanted! I wanted to show how possessive Natsu is over Gray, even now and how it wasn't just a stage and that there was a reason behind said possessiveness from our dragon slayer to his little 'Snowflake'.

Words: 1,587

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