An actual chapter 3

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Headspace- A person's state of mind or mindset 

I spilled my peaches on the floor ground and my lip starts to quiver and I start crying for Cassidy. 

"Mommy!", I cried loudly pounding my fist on the tray. Cassidy closes the door letting Brad in then and runs towards me. 

"Dan-what hap-Oh baby", Cassidy me out of my high chair holding me close as I cry into her shoulder.

"My pweaches dwopped Mommy They dwopped!", I cried louder practically sobbing, Cassidy kissed my forehead trying to calm me down. 

"It's okay babe. I'll get you more peaches. Just calm down", Cassidy says soothingly. Brad watches from a distance and frowns. I slowly begin to calm down soon enough my sobs turn to hiccups then those hiccups fall silent. Cassidy pats my back and I lay my head on her chest. 

"Do you want to watch cartoons in Mommy's room with Alex?" (A/N Alex is the name of Danielle's unicorn), Cassidy says picking me up and holding me by her hip. I nod and lay my head in the crook her neck. Cassidy gives Brad a look that says 'I'll be back. Give me a few minutes'. Brad nods at Cassidy then she takes me to her room. Cassidy lays me on her bed and goes to get Alex. when she comes back Alex is one hand and my now full sippy cup is in the other. I make grabby hands at Alex and Cassidy hands her to me then she puts the sippy cup on the nightstand. 

"Do you need to be changed, Danielle?", Cassidy asks looking into my eyes and I nod embarrassed. (Sorry for all these A/N but if you uncomfortable with diaper changing then you might want to skip the next couple paragraphs) Cassidy smiles gently at me then goes to get wipes, baby powder, a fresh diaper and a clean onzie. I get the changing mat from the corner of the room and  put in in the middle of the floor then lay on it. Cassidy comes back and I have my thumb in my mouth then she replaced it with a pacifier on her nightstand. Cassidy undress me then takes off my diaper and cleans me. She powders me up so I don't a rash then pats my hip. 

"Hips up", Cassidy says and I obey by lifting my hips off the ground then Cassidy puts the diaper under me and I put my hips back on the ground. Cassidy puts the diaper on me then puts me in a pink onzie. I suck on my pacifier making a soft clicking  noise every time then sit up and crawl back to the bed and cuddling my unicorn. Cassidy throws the dirty diaper away with the wipes that she used and puts everything else away. 

"Okay Danie. I'm in the living room if you need me", Cassidy kisses the top of my head before leaving closing the door behind her. I nod and curl up in a blanket cuddling Alex watching The Wonder Pets .(I can't be the only one who remembers The Wonder Pets Anyway...) I giggle when Tuck comes out dressed as firefighter. I take my pacifier out of my mouth and take a sip of my sippy cup. I hear Cassidy start yelling then Brad yells back. 

No one's POV

"Cassidy, I love you! Why can't you take me back?!", Brad yells getting frustrated. 

Cassidy yells back, "You're the one that cheated  remember?! You can't just come back into my life and hope that I will accept you with open arms! Or maybe you're just as stupid as you used to be!" 

"Do you still love me, Cassidy?!", Brad shouts at her his jaw clenching. 

"Of course I do Brad. I never stopped", Cassidy whispers lowering her voice looking away from his intense stare. 

Danielle's POV

I hold Alex closer and suck harder on the pacifier. I think about Brad slipping out of  little space. I remember Cassidy and Brad dating like a year ago. Brad left her for some girl and Cassidy was heartbroken. I was the one that helped Cassidy get over him. I was the one that held Cassidy's hair back when she was hungover after she was trying to drink the pain away. I was the one that held Cassidy at night when she was crying about Brad. I was the one that told her that Brad was a total shithead and she believed me. 

I get up from the bed and take the pacifier from my mouth and leave it on the nightstand. I open the door quietly and tip-toe to my room across the hall and take off the onzie and the diaper. I open my drawer and put on a pair of sweatpants and my dad's old sweatshirt. I look at my phone and see 3 missed calls from Kat. I think about calling her back and shake my head, put my hair in a messy bun and walk out of the room. 

"Cass. Tell me you're not getting back with this sh-", I cut myself off my seeing the pair holding hands looking at eachother all happy and crap. Seeing it just made me want to throw up my insides.

Cassidy looks away from Brad then looks at me. We lock eyes for a second before she looks away. 

"Dani, it's not what you think", Cassidy stammers and pulls her hands away from Brads. 

"Danie-", Brad steps towards me and i cut up and growl at him. 

"Keep my name out of your mouth Bradley", I hiss  saying his first nameand take a step back. 

"Danielle! You need to be nice to Brad", Cassidy says reaching out to me .

'"How can I be nice to the bastard who left you for some girl! The guy that practically murdered your heart and your gonna let him get away with it!", I yell clenching my fist getting angry. 

"Calm down Danielle. You need to take a deep breath and go back into your little space", Cassidy says soothingly, but that only makes me angry.

  I'm not letting you control when I can go into my little space, I can go back to little space when I want to!  I thought, stopping myself from saying it out loud.

I put on my shoes getting angry. 

"No! I'm not going back into little space just so I can calm down Unlike you Cassidy, I know that if someone leaves me then comes back from me. I won't take them back!", I shot then it's totally silent. The tension in the room grows more by the second. I glare at the couple  dangerously  If only looks could kill and storm out of the house slamming the door behind me. 

"DANIELLE! GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE TO CASSIDY", Brad yells chasing after me sweat dripping from his brow. 

"Who are you to tell me what to do! You are not my father!", I whirl around facing him. He stops and smirks at me

'As of today. Technically I am your daddy, since  I'm now  back with your  'mommy' ", His smirk grows and I lift up my hand and slap him so hard it leaves a hand print then take off running. Brad chases after me, him getting angrier by the second making me only run faster. Maybe it's a good think I was in track all through high school. I run as fast as I can and Brad eventually gives up. I run to the only I know no one would at least try and find me. My dad's house.


I know the chapters are shit, but only in my opinion...This chapter was longer than all of the other chapters combined. I'm so proud of myself. Anyway..I hope you guys liked this one. Personally it was my favorite. Baiiii :)

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