Chapter 11

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Danielle's POV 

"Wait- Did you just ask me, if I wanted to marry you?", I ask pulling back away from Cassidy a little, looking deep into her eyes. 

Cassidy nods slowly and takes her hands into mine, looking into my eyes.

 "Dani, we've known eachother since we were little babies. I've watched you cry and laugh. I've also watched you get hurt and broken down. And I hated it each time. I don't you to ever get hurt over some girl that breaks your heart, I want to be the one to pick you up when you fall and take care of you when you're sick. I just hope you want to do the same. I want us to grow old together, and scream at little annoying kids who decide to run in our yard. I love you so fucking much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Danielle Lillian Wiggins. Will you do the honor of being my wife?", Cassidy asks, a couple of tears were falling onto her cheeks as she gripped my hands slightly. 

I was damn near crying and left out a choked sob nodding. "Of course I will Cassidy.", I whisper as she brings me into a tight hug. 

Cassidy then pulls away slightly and kisses me deeply, there was so much love and passion into the kiss, it was insane. 

"I love you so much.", I whisper into the kiss, kissing her back with just as much love. 

Cassidy soon pulls away and kisses my forehead. "I love you too Dani, so fucking much more". I chuckle softly, wiping my tears. 

"Oh! I almost forgot-", Cassidy went to her dresser and pulled out a ring box out of her sock drawer. 

(Ring is above^^)

I look at her as she walks towards me and kneels in front of me. I giggle looking down at her. 

"Are you going to put the ring on me, or am I gonna have to do it myself?", I tease Cassidy giggling. Cassidy chuckles and murmurs a 'shut up' then opens the ring box. 

My eyes widen at the ring. "It's beautiful.", I say softly. Cassidy smirks and winks at me. "Just like you". I blush deeply biting my lip. 

Cassidy takes the ring out of the box delicately and carefully slides it onto my ring finger on my left hand. 

"I love it.", I say grinning ear to ear. Cassidy kisses my knuckle then grins up at me. 

"Weirdo.", I shove her playfully and she giggles. 

"Oh you're gonna get it now!", Cassidy growls playfully and gets off the floor and straddles my waist. I instantly place my hands on her hips, as she leans in for a kiss. I close my eyes leaning up a little expecting a kiss, but instead I feel something wet on my cheek. 

"Ew! Did you lick my cheek!",I gasp scrunching up my nose in disgust. "Gross!", I exclaim, wiping my cheek and wiping my hand on her shirt. (My little sister does that shit to me all the time, I can't stand it.) Cassidy chuckles. 

"I'm sorry babe, I'll give you a real kiss now.", Cassidy giggles then quickly pecks my lips then jumps off my lap hearing the doorbell ring. 

"I'll get it.", Cassidy says going to the front door, I follow going to the kitchen, going on a hunt to find the cookies Cassidy hide from me.  

Cassidy's POV 

I open the front door and come face to face with Danielle's drugged up mother. I scoff and roll my eyes. 

"Kat, what a lovely surprise.", I say sarcastically resisting the urge to slam the door cold in her face. 

Kat scoffs at me rolling her eyes. "Where's Danielle?", she asked. 

"Why would you care? It's not like you paid any attention to her for the past 11 years.", I snarled at her. (I just realized I never specified how old Dani and Cassidy are...their both 20 years old) 

"Cass...", Dani says softly in my ear putting a hand on my shoulder, I relax at her touch glaring at the woman that had made the life of my fiance a living hell. 

"What is it, Kat?", Dani asked gripping my shoulder. 

"I'm clean, done with the drugs and the alcohol.I've been clean for about a year now. But that's beside the reason of why I came over here. The only reason I got clean was so I could spend time with my kid. You have a little step brother, his name is Ethan and he's only about 9 months old. He's like the child I never had. His dad's name is Jacob, he's your step dad.", Kat says all in one breath looking at us.

This motherfucker, just pissed off the wrong girl...I really hope Dani doesn't hurt her. 

By the time Kat was finished, Dani had a tighter grip of my shoulder. There was silence for a moment but it all changed when Dani said something. 

" 'Like the child I never had.' What could that mean Kat? Hm?", Dani growled letting go of my shoulder. 

"I wanted a boy and you were a girl...the child I never had.", Kat said in a calm tone. 

"I hate you! I hope you and your stupid fucking son and slutty ugly ass boyfriend have a great time raising some dumbass kid that meets up to your expectations!", Dani shouted shoving Kat out of the door and slamming it in her face. 

"Dani-", I say softly looking at her. Angry tears were falling down her face as she let out a shaky breath. 

"How could she do that to me? How could she say those things to me?", Dani's voice was vulnerable and cracking. I opened my arms out to her and she fell into them crying. 

I whispered sweet nothings in her ear rubbing her back waiting for her to calm down. After a couple minutes Dani had stopped crying and was just sniffling. 

"How about we watch a movie and eat junk food? You get to pick the movie.", I ask her softly rubbing her back still. She nodded slowly not letting go of me. 

"What movie do you want to watch babe?", I ask softly kissing her forehead. 

"Bad Moms.", She giggled and I smiled nodding. (I love that movie, those mom's are hilarious) 

"Alright Bad Moms it is.", I chuckle after Danielle pulled away. 

"Do you want to get snacks and I can get the movie started?", Dani asks looking at me. I nodded and went to the kitchen getting out some cookies and some chips. 

*After the movie ends* 

Dani fell asleep and I am very tempted to just let her sleep on the couch, but I want to cuddle. So I pick her up and carry her upstairs to my room. 

I carefully lay her down on the bed then check the front door to make sure it's locked and clean up quickly then go back upstairs to Dani.

I turn off the light and get into bed with her then cover us with my big fluffy blanket. 

Dani wraps her arms around my midsection burying her head into my chest. I hold her close closing my eyes getting sleepy. 

"Goodnight my wife.", I whisper before falling asleep. 


Hey guys...long time no see...Hehe....Anyway, I think this might be the end of this book. I might. MIGHT make one final chapter and then go onto the sequel....I still wanna have like a little Q&A thingy with the characters and me. So if you have any questions for any of the characters or me, just either pm me or just leave a comment. Also, here's a fun fact about this book, This book used to revolve around a rp I did a long time ago but now it's just it's own little story I guess...not about the rp because I don't really rp as much as I used to. I thinks that's all that I have to say...So I'm just gonna go...Another thing...this chapter is not proof read so there might be mistakes...Now I'm gonna go. Baii Pandas! 🐼 *waves* 

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