Chapter 5 (Part 1 of 2)

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I wake up on Dad's couch hearing him singing a song from Grease, specifically the opening song 'Grease'. (Play song) Dad was making my favorite, pancakes. I get up and slowly make my way to the kitchen. 

"Morning sleeping beauty", Dad says as I walk up next to him her kisses my head. 

"Morning Dad", I smile at him and he smiles back then goes back to making pancakes. 

"Do you want to make some bacon to go along with these pancakes", Dad asks flipping a pancake with his back facing away from me. 

"Yeah, sure", I get the bacon off the counter in the bowl of hot water then get a pan to the bacon on then out it all in the oven. 

"Anything else?", I ask throwing the empty bacon package in the trash and Dad faces me. 

"You can start a fresh pot of coffee", Dad faces me and we lock eyes. I nod. 

"Sure", I say getting the coffee grinds from the cabinet then putting them in the coffeemaker then fill the pot with some water. 

"You're gonna have a lot of dishes to wash", Dad chuckles flipping another pancake him almost done and I pout playfully. 

"You're gonna make me do all of those dishes", I gesture to the sink full of dishes and he nods smirk present on his face. 

"You're a mean old man. I hope you choke on a pancake ", I glare playfully and Dad laughs at my facial expression.  

"I know, He replies simply and I grumble crossing my arms pouting. 

"Can you just finish the pancakes. I'm hungry", I say getting the bacon out of the fridge, Dad laughs and finishes the last pancake. 

"Can you get the bacon then", he sassed as I get an ovenmit and get the bacon out of the oven

"Is that sass I hear?", (di3mal) I giggle putting the bacon pan on the counter. 

"Yes it was. What are you gonna do about it", Dad said trying not to laugh. I shrug. 

"Exactly. Just what I thought", He laughs

"I hope you really choke on a pancake Dad", I roll my eyes pouring myself a cup of coffee since it's done. 

"How's Kat, Daddy?", I ask throwing trash away. 

"You know you're mother. She's everywhere but here or rehab. She was supposed to be here yesterday, but I guess she had other plans", Dad sighs starting to put the food on plates. I nod in understanding knowing how he feels. 

Kat is a druggie and alcoholic. She would be here one day and gone the next. You never know when she was going to turn up asking for money. I don't know why Dad stays with her. She's just using him for money. She's been using ever since I was born. After my 2nd birthday she left and didn't come back until my 5th birthday. During those 3 years Dad and Grams were taking care of me while Kat was going God know what.

 I remember my 5th birthday like it  was yesterday. Kat turned up her eyes bloodshot with hickies up and down her neck. I asked her where she had left and she said "I went  to take care of business". Me being 5 believed her. Dad just shook his head at her while Grams was glaring at her rage coursing through her veins. Kat disappeared the next day. I never saw her until my 9th birthday. She reeked of alcohol and weed, I asked her where she went this time and she told me the truth. She said she didn't care about me and she always hated me. Grams went up to her and starting beating the shit out of her. I just stood there not knowing what to do. Dad just pulled me close covering my eyes as I cried he even told me she didn't mean it. The next day I never saw her again and I don't want to. Til this day I will never forgive Kat for what she said to me and no one expected me to. 

"She called me Dad", I blurted out. Dad froze for a second as he was putting bacon on the plates. Dad took a few deep breaths before going back to his task. 

"Did you call her back?", Dad asks as he puts the plates on the table getting himself coffee and I refills mine soon after. I shake my head at his question. 

"No. I haven't heard from her since my 9th birthday and I want to keep it that way. I don't want to see her, Dad", My voice emotionless. Dad nods in understanding. 

"I know you don't honey", Dad says sitting down drinking his coffee plain black and I sit across from him as he pour syrup over his pancakes. 

We eat in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. I take a sip of my coffee and he takes a sip of his. Dad puts his cup down and looks at me. 

"Danielle we need to-", he gets cut off by the doorbell ding. 

"Hold that that thought", Dad gets up and goes to answer the door and Brad burst through the door with Cassidy behind him. Brad's eyes were full of rage. Cassidy's are filled of guilt and regret. Brad steps over to me to me and Dad put's a hand on his chest. 

"Take one step closer and you'll be leaving her on a stretcher", Dad threatens his voice serious and hard. Brad growls and takes a step closer....

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