Chapter 6

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^^changed Aric. Portrayed by Matthew Davis :)

Emily POV

Rust and Gunner guard the door to get in and I grit my teeth tightly, wanting to shake the life out of Alison.

Because of this one girl, Sophia, the strongest woman I know, is on the verge of tears. All because of this one, damn, girl.

I could strangle her.

But then again, Aric would without a doubt strangle me right after. 

But still, I have never seen Sophia this way before. Not after she discusses the son she lost around the time of my birth. Not when she told me my parents wanted me back and I wasn't living with her anymore when I was eight. Not when she hurts year after fucking year as she marks another passing of Alison's birthday off her calendar without a single word from her or Jess.

Not when she found out that she had greater odds of getting struck by lightning than surviving her cancer.


I see them and instantly shatter. Sophia's eyes are glassy as she lifts her chin in a failed attempt to act like she doesn't give a damn.

Alison stands awkwardly with her purse in her hands as she watching in confusion as Sophia cups her face in her hands.

Fuck Alison for hurting Sophia.

Fuck Alison for making Sophia cry.

Fuck Alison for coming back here and ruining this day.

I break my angry daze as the door opens and Aric grabs my arm not roughly but desperately, "I need you in on this, Em."

He beckons Rust and Gunner over as he gives them orders, "Gunner, clear the hall. Rust, tell Kenneth that we're taking Alison out the back. I want a hell of a wall made of leather cuts giving her shielding, do you got me?"

They both nod and mumble an agreement. 

Aric lifts his head, "if you ain't a brother, get out!"

I turn to leave but Aric grabs me and pulls me back, "you're an exception. Walk with me, Em."

I follow Aric as we round a corner and he sighs as he checks to make sure the coast was clear before he rakes his hands through his hair, telling me that he's stressed.

"What the fuck was Jess thinking allowing Alison to come here?"

He shoves his hands against a swinging door that is clearly marked,

No Entrance

Knowing what's best for me, I keep my pie hole shut. 

That question wasn't for me.

I stay near an exit as Aric takes a quick check around, "fourteen years since they have been in this damned town and now with the Drakes breathing straight down our necks Jess allows Alison to show. And of course, my mother is obsessed with the fact of getting to know her granddaughter."

He kicks a chair down and I don't flinch but I am taken aback as he breathes hard and grunts. I've known Aric since I was eleven. He's the biggest bad-ass I have ever met and he doesn't easily lose his shit.

I decide it is probably in good interest to let him ride this one out before I get a blow to the ass.

"I emailed Kenneth in vain hope that Alison would come but I never actually thought she would. I knew for sure that Jess would say no, but I'd hoped and then of course when he did call I didn't answer. I turned off my cell, forgot and...and now..."

Aric sighs again and he hands his head back, "I have a favor to ask."

"Anything, you name it."

This is it. This is the moment I have been waiting for my entire life.

"I need you on Alison. Follow her until she gets on that plane. I want you to stay close enough to confirm she's out of harm's way, but far enough so that she won't notice you're tailing her. If you do this for me, you'll have a cut on your back the moment you walk into the clubhouse and you'll be our newest prospect."

"Not a problem." I nod and smile inward.

I'll follow Alison through hell if it means I make prospect.

"Do you mind telling me what I'm watching for?" He sounds pretty worried. And according to what he says next, he has every right to be.

Aric rubs his chin. "The Drakes."

Something still doesn't sit right and I wonder if he's just being paranoid though because it doesn't add up. "The Drakes would never step foot into Riverrock. How could they possible know Alison is here?"

And also...why the hell would they give a damn?

"The Drakes are pissed that we're doing security business in Louisville. They're even more livid we didn't give 'em a cut of our profits because we're running through their area. Remember what I said to you last night son? The Drakes can make a business issue very personal. And fast."

I nod, "I understand think that they'd go after Alison?"

"There's a scar forming on your father's head that tells me the Drakes are ready for damned war. Plus, there are over 200 people in this building and I cannot risk the possibility that there's someone loyal to the bastards, here, gathering info on us. I really wasn't worried until I saw Alison. We're strong together as a club, as a family. We protect our own but she's not one of us and I will not have them go personal with her. The Drakes don't think straight when they're mad so they'll just act first and ask questions later. She's my daughter, Em. I don't want her caught up in my shit."

Now it makes sense. This is exactly who Aric is. Loyal to the ones he loves.

But it is still lost on me on why he has this sudden commitment to Alison.

He visits her once a year and from what I understand and have been told, he never tried for custody.

Still, I'm not going to question my path into the club.

If he wants me to watch Alison, I'll watch Alison.

"Jess will be able to spot a Terror member," Aric continues.

"So, you'll be driving my truck. If anyone can own a the role of a teenager out for a joy ride who doesn't give a shit? It's you."

My heart flips at that. From Aric, that is a high compliment.

"Alison will know me."

"Alison won't be looking for you, but Jess will be searching for the club." He tosses me his keys and nods, "tail them until she boards that plane. I need some sort of confirmation that my problems with the Drakes don't include my daughter and follow her around like a shadow."

"Consider it done." I turn to leave but he grabs me again, "Em...anyone who messes with my daughter messes with me."

Which means that anyone retarded enough to cross paths with her is suicidal.

"I got her back. I promise."

Aric smiles at me as if we've been talking about a football game or something. He pats my shoulder, "you're a good man, Em."

And with that, he disappears inside the funeral home.

Alison DiLaurentis?

You officially have a stalker.


I'm backk!!!

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~stay fearless~

Caleigh <13

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