Chapter 11

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Alison POV

"But that's you."

My eyes flicker up to Sophia but she's has her eyes locked on the picture, an adoring smile on her face. "You were such a treasure. Never stopped smiling. I used to call you my Little Sunshine."

Sunshine...Why does that sound so familiar?

"That's impossible. My mom told me that she left with me once I was born. I never knew you."

Sophia chuckles, "keep telling yourself that, Alison Star." "What does this mean, Sophia? I knew you? knew me? Why were you holding me when I was this old?"

She stands up and sighs, "there's extra blankets in the closet. If you need anything, your father's room is two doors down and I am right across the hall. Bathroom is first door on your right."

I nod, "and Emily? Where's she?"

Sophia stops and looks at me curiously, "why do you ask?"

I cross my arms over my chest and shrug, "she's the only honest one around here."

She chuckles, "you trust her."

I begin to smile but stop. I do. I trust Emily. She has told me the truth whenever I asked for it so yes, I trust her.

"Is she here?"

"I'll make sure of it. Goodnight, Alison."


Emily POV

"Emily Fields you are lucky you are still breathing. I swear you are never allowed back into my house-" "that's too bad. Cause she's staying here tonight."

"What?" Both Aric and I say at the same time. 

Sophia grins and walks over, patting my shoulder, "Alison wants Emily to stay."

"Did she tell you that, Mother?" Aric hisses and Sophia rolls her eyes, "oh please Aric don't be so dramatic. The girl is fine. And not directly. She just asked me if Emily was here. She wants her here. She trusts Emily, Aric. And I don't blame the girl. After everything, she has no reason to trust you quite yet and well. She doesn't know me."

The look in Sophia's eyes show me that she is hurt by the last part. In this house, Alison is a secret held only within the family and Jess.

Me, included because I lived through part of it as a kid.

Sophia knew Alison. Not only did she know Alison, but she loved her, majorly.

"Emily. If this girl trusts you, you must protect her," Leo says and I nod, "I will. I promise."

"You better. Or I'll rip your balls off for you kid," Sophia pats my cheek and looks at Leo, "I'm checking in for the night. You joining me handsome?" Leo smiles down at her and nods, "of course Angel. Let's hit the hay. Night guys."

"Night," we both say and Sophia kisses my cheek, "protect my granddaughter. Please." She whispers into my ear and I nod, "with my life, Sophia."

She smiles appreciatively at me and walks into her and Leo's room.

Aric sighs and walks closer, "so. What happened? Hmm? What took you so damn long that you didn't answer huh?"

I hold my stance but shake on the inside, "I...I fell asleep."

Aric grips my shirt and shoves my back to the wall, gripping me tighter, "I could kill you for that. One more second and she could've been gone, Em. My daughter would be gone, taken by the Drakes. And because of what? Because you were tired?"

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