Chapter 16

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Alison POV

"Earth to Princess! You coming or what?" I stare at the initials and gulp down a large lump in my throat. JD...AM...My mom's maiden name is Drake. Jessica Drake and Aric Moore...

I don't realize I am crying until I blink my eyes and feel the warm liquid drip out. I wipe my eyes and ring the rain out of my hair before turning around, forcing a smile for Emily.

I walk over with my drenched clothes slipped on my body as I swing onto the bike, behind Emily. "K it's going to be a little slippery so please be careful, okay?" She eyes me nervously and I smirk, "worried about my health I see?"

She rolls her eyes playfully, "just hold on."

I wrap my hands around her stomach and we take off. I glance back at the swimming hole once more before I rest my head on Emily's back. Her white tee-shirt is clear at this point and when we stop at a red light.

"How you holding up back there Princess?"

I sigh in contentment as I look up at the dark clouds, "fine."

"Don't sound fine." I shake my head, "my life's a lie."

The light turns green and instead of going straight, Emily turns right and pulls into a diner parking lot. "What are we doing here?" She parks her bike and gets off, "sitting down to eat." I raise an eyebrow, "so...a date?"

Emily laughs, "call it what you want. But. I think you've been locked up in that house enough. Time to give you a taste of Kentucky cuisine." She holds the door open for me and I can't help but blush, "thank you."

A waitress leads us to a booth and she hands Emily her menu but lingers her hands on Emily's when Emily reaches for it. 

I scoff and look out the window as Emily clears her throat, "right, uh...thanks Moira."

"Anything for Emily Fields." She walks away and Emily groans, "fuck."

I chuckle, "she seems...interesting?" Emily glares at me, "shut up." "Who is she?" I ask casually and Emily sighs, "a girl..."

"No shit Sherlock. You sleep with her or something?" I joke and watch her as she ducks her head down. I then realize that she's not laughing at all. "Oh my god. You slept with her."

"It was a one time thing. We were drunk and-" "you still did it. Wow."

Emily sighs as water is brought to us, "Alison. Look. I'm not like you, alright? I just-" "Hi Emily." Two girls walk up to us and smile at Emily flirtatiously and Emily glances at me, then smiles nervously.

"Hey Addison. Hey Farell. What's up?"

"We just wanted to know if you were coming to the bonfire tonight at the lake?" Emily sighs, "yeah I don't know about that I'm kind of bus-" "oh come on Emily. You never miss out on a good party. Drinks...dancing...skinny dipping."

I choke on my water and raise an eyebrow at Emily who chuckles nervously, scratching her head, "we'll see girls. If you don't mind...I'd like to enjoy lunch with my friend, here."

They eye me down in a way that makes me shift uncomfortably, "hi."

They frown and say, "what did you drown or something?" "I wish," I mumble but they don't hear me. Emily speaks instead, "we were at the water hole." They scoff, "you and her? At the water hole?"

I perk my head up, interested now as Emily rubs her chin, looking at me before she glances up at the girls with a look of disinterest. "Ladies..."

They solemnly look at Emily before they sigh, "hope to see you at the bonfire..."

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