Chapter 17

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Emily POV

Once we pull away I linger my hold on the blonde's waist until I hear the clanking of forks against plates. We're in the diner.

Of course I forgot we were on earth.

My eyes find the beautiful blonde's as she blushes, looking up at me. "Let's eat and get you home, alright? I don't need Aric whipping my ass with a belt if we aren't back within the hour."

Alison giggles in the cutest way as we sit back down. "Anyways...tell me about yourself Moore." "DiLaurentis," she corrects and I smile, "okay. DiLaurentis. Tell me an interesting fact about you."

She ponders for a moment before I see a light bulb go off in her head, "I'm a cheerleader?"

I snort, "of course you are."

Those blue eyes narrow down at me as she points her fork in my direction, "be very careful honey. This fork might slip unexpectedly."

I chuckle and shake my head, "alright fine. You're a cheerleader. That's...cute." Now she smirks, "what. You don't like short skirts and a bow in my hair while doing flips?" I shrug, "I love it. I're about the least cheery person I have ever met."

Alison laughs sarcastically, "ha. Ha. I am actually very cheery. I just haven't been at times because...I don't know here. I'm different at home. I know it there. I know the people, the stores, the restaurants. Rosewood, Pennsylvania is my home. This isn't."

I nod understandingly as I smile gently, grabbing her hand across the table, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get your riled up like that." She sighs and brushes the hair out of her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes finding mine in an adorable way that causes me to have heart palpitations.

"What about Miss 'I'm half male and broody all the time'?" I laugh and nod with a smile, "fair enough Princess. I...hmm..." I think for a minute and then realize...nobody has ever asked me about me before.

"Are you okay?" Alison asks quietly, receiving a notion that I am thinking probably too hard. I look up at her, the wheels still turning as I nod, "yeah...fine."

"Emily...I just want to know something about you. Something real."

I bite my lip as my head bobs up and down in compliancy. "Right...uh. I...I like kids?"

Her face brightens as her oceans twinkle like a star, "okay. Good. Hopefully not in a perverted way but...what do you like about them?"

I chuckle at her playful swipe and shrug, using my straw to sir the ice in my water. "Their innocence. Everything in a kid's life is just one great, big, shining ball of purity. They believe that everyone is good and that the world is peaceful. They have this image of their future already drawn up in their minds."

As I speak I take notice of how easily it is for me to open up to Alison. I've never told anyone this before. Maybe some of it to Sophia. But nonetheless, Alison is really changing me. More than I thought possible.

Just a few weeks ago I hated this girl with all of my heart.

But now?

Now I...I'm falling for her. With all of my heart.

And this girl I am falling for stares at me with an awe-struck grin, like she just saw a puppy in a christmas costume. "That was...amazing. Have you ever thought about working with kids? Or having a family, even?"

Her words hit me like spears. Once again with the questions I am not used to. Nobody besides Sophia has asked me this.

"I uh...I don't know. My future is the club and-" "okay." She takes my free hand with hers so both hands are laced in one another's as blue meets brown in an intimate, heartfelt gaze.

"Pretend there's no club. No club or security company. What does your future look like, Emily? Close your eyes and just imagine it."

I raise my eyebrow curiously and laugh, thinking it's a joke but she stares desperately at me, begging me to oblige so...I do.


I sigh and close my eyes, "okay. Picture your future...10 years from now. What is it?"

The smell of bacon and coffee wake me from my sleep, along with the sound of clanging metals and cartoons. 

I pull myself out of bed and get dressed for the day, looking in the mirror as I smile at the picture on the nightstand behind me through the silver glass. I turn around and pick up the wedding picture frame, then kiss the glass, place it down, and walk out of my bedroom.

I round the corner and am instantly greeted by a tiny body wrapped around my legs, "morning daddy."

I smile down at my beautiful daughter before kissing her forehead, "morning princess."

"Hey. That's my name."

I look up from my daughter and am hit with a jolt of electricity when I see the gorgeous piece of art that is my wife.

"Hmm. Good morning to you too wife." I walk over and place my hands on her hips, kissing her sweetly as she smiles into my mouth before I pull away.

"Morning husband."

"Breakfast? My baby's good." She smiles at me, "yes. Breakfast. But it's not ready. We are going to sit down, like a normal family and eat before you head off to the hospital, saving lives like you always do."

I laugh, "you know what they say babe. Another day, another life to save." 

She giggles, shaking her head, "I don't think anyone says that love, but good try." I chuckle, "I try." I reach for bacon but she slaps my hand with the spatula, "hey! It's not ready yet! No eating until I finish everything."

I raise an eyebrow and smirk at her, "what are you gonna do DiLaurentis?" I grab the bacon and she screeches, "EMILY FIELDS!" She chases me around as our daughter screeches in joy at her parents playing.

I swallow and collapse onto the couch, pulling my wife down with me as she giggles. I kiss her and smile, "I love you Emily Fields," she whispers, her eyes shimmering in a way that makes me never want to leave the house.

I smile back at her and kiss her nose, brushing a few loose strands of hair behind her ear, "and I love you Alison Fields."

"Emily? Em."

I shake my head as I snap out of my weird dream, seeing Alison staring at me worriedly, "you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah...I uh...did you make bacon?"

She stares at me and breaks into a fit of giggles, "no. Why?"

I frown and stare at her, realizing I really did dream it. "I uh...never mind."

"So...did you picture it?"

I snap my gaze to her in confusion and she seems to catch onto my confused state, as she explains deeper, "your future? Did you see what it would look like in 10 years?"

I look out the window, then back at her, "yeah...I did."

"And? What was it like?"

"I um...It..." I trail off and swallow a large lump in my throat as I look at her, feeling my heart clench in my chest tightly while the touch of her hands send bolts of electricity throughout my veins.

"It was...amazing. Everything I could have ever dreamed of."



Just giving some more insight into what Emily views are on them.

You like?

Is Alison really changing Emily?

Will Emily change completely?

Will Emily even possibly...change someone else? And how-so?

Just a cute, fluffy chapter for Emison.

Review and Comment!

~stay fearless~

Caleigh <13

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