The Cause

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I woke up in an all to familiar situation.  All I heard was the beeps and buzzes coming from machines. That and my mom arguing with a lady that sounded like my therapist."YOU SAID YOU CAN HELP HIM AND NOW HE IS HERE BACK WHERE HE WAS 6 MONTHS AGO!!!" I didn't look up because I had a headache but I could picture it in my mind. My mom screaming at a therapist about how they didn't work or how she was wasting her money. Her in her nurses uniform with her hair bad because she had been scratching. Right now I'm sure my mom looks like a mad, crazy lady but I know she meant well. She was just concerned about her baby.  

"Ma'am please calm down Zayn has been improving but I guess he just snapped" When a lady with a warm voice said the word snapped it all came back to me.

~Flashback to yesterday~

I was in my room on my bed crying my life had always been rough the past 5 years but today it was extra worse. My bully James was extra mean. His girlfriend who he abused constantly finally escaped and called the cops only for his rich parents to bail him out. Once he got back however he went bezerk on all the kids he bullied because they were different,especially me. At lunch he slammed my tray of steaming spaghetti in my face pushed me down and kicked me in my stomach 6 times. After that little insistent I went to the nurse for the 4th time this week on this coldish November Tuesday. She said all she could do was give me a pain pill and put an ice pack on my torso so I went to my therapist just like before.

"You are my only friend Mrs.strawberry sorry if I bug you" I said sitting in her office instead of going to 6th period.
"It's alright Zayn, you don't bug me" she said smiling
"Thanks" I said. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't talk to anyone here.

Once I got home it got worse ,my sister was there and she was "Why do you have to be gay ? Why  can't you be normal ? Do you know I can't even bring my boyfriend home cause I am scared you will steal him!" She yelled in tears at me as I walked in.

" I wish you had a little more faith in me sis." I said in tears as I ran upstairs.

If only 1 person likes me what is the point of living. I went into my closet and got a piece of a blade I found in an ally one day and ran a thick line from my shoulder to the end of my middle finger and then everything went blank.

~Flashback Over/Present~

I knew what had happened. The one thing I cared about. I didn't care if I went to Heaven or Hell I just didn't want to live anymore but hear I am. This is the 3rd time and I am tired of.
Maybe this is God trying to tell me that I am bound to do something important but in this moment I swear that I am going to come out of my shell. I will go try to find some friends. I will join the art club. I will touter.

Something, anything. 

"Oh Zayn are you ok". My mom said rushing over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, actually I'm quit great."
I said while smiling or well kinda smiling.

" Well your pretty positive for someone who just woke up from another failed suiside."

" Yeah I guess I am" I said and this time I was definitely smiling.

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