The Study Date pt.2

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Niall's P.O.V

On the way to Starbucks all I could think about was Zayn. I could be with him now. I mean if he would take me. I can't believe he is gay.

~~~~~~AT STARBUCKS~~~~~~~

"Where do you want to sit?", he asked so polite like he had no care in the world." Um I don't care, I love it"" ha ha very funny".

~~~~~~~~After ordering and getting table~~~~~~~~~

"So what subject do you want to start on?""um which one do you need the most help in, we can start with that one so if don't get everything done at least we got that done,plus we have a test coming up,""we have a test coming up in every subject eventually""yeah".


The study date is going great. He taught me sooooooo much. He was a great tutor. He was calm but fierce. It was beautiful."

So what do you want to get your degree in Zayn like what is your goal""well this year I am getting my Associates in Humanities, then come back and get my Bachelors in art and maybe Masters you?"

"Well this to year I am getting my Associates in Humanities as well but next year I want to get my Bachelor of music(BMus) and then be a choir teacher. Would you consider being an art teacher?"

"Maybe or being an art therapist""what's that""it is where you help people like a therapist though you primarily draw and stuff like that instead of talking""oh cool".

"Hey Zayn", a lady with brown hair and a Starbucks apron on can running up to Zayn hugging him."Hey Johanna how are you""good how about you""good how is Louis ""he is good he says he misses you""oh well next time you talk to him tell him I miss him too".

"So who is your friend Zayn", I asked curious. "Oh this is one of my friends mom's""nice to meet you",she said holding out her hand""you to""well it is late we need to be getting home""yeah""ok see you later Zayn""you too Jo".

~~~~~~~Walk Home~~~~~~

Zayn and I were talking about our lives,wants,likes,dislikes,he was perfect.

"Hey so are we on for Friday""yeah and then on Saturday you want to go to the Fair". He was shaky when he asked." Are you asking me out""well no cause your not gay right""well no I like guys""really""yeah so now are you asking me out""yeah now I'm asking you out""yes""well yes".

"Yay well see you tomorrow Niall""yeah you too".

I am in heaven.

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