The Vist

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Zayn's P.O.V

I am sooooooooo happy. Niall is gay. We can finally be together. I was having the best day until I got home to see non other than my sister and her boyfriend Todd. She looked like she was crying but I didn't care.

"Please mom can me and Todd move in, just for a week""no Doniya you need to learn how to be on your own plus you were so rude to Zayn and I ""but I just lost my job,Todd loss his apartment,and I am pregnant, and I-""I don't care I'm not doing that to your brother,he has suffered enough".

"But, what do you what",she said harshly when she me,"Doniya stop that is no way how to treat your brother""well he is the reason we can't move in so yeah I am mad at him right Todd""yeah if he wasn't here we could stay""Doniya that is not what I meant"" so Todd take care of him""yes honey".

I saw my life flash before my eyes as Todd pulled out a gun and shot me in my stomach.

Zayn's mom P.O.V

"Doniya how could you",I was shocked ,she never acted like she wanted to hurt him before and,when he was in the hospital before she seemed so upset.

"Because you always took up for him and I am sick of it""mom", Zayn said in a faint voice,"yes baby", I came rushing over to Zayn.

"Please take me to the hospital""ok""mom I'm sooooooo sorry I was mad and-""it's ok just help me get him in the car""i can help to""ok let's go".

Zayn's P.O.V

(After he got shot)

The wound hurt but my heart hurt worse. I can't believe some one would hate me so much as to kill me, especially not my sister. I was scared just when I was starting to like myself she want's to take my life from me.

What will people think, would they care.

Oh Niall, he would be devastated. Just when I started to like even love him, but he doesn't love me back. The room started getting black and everything around me started to get black but I fought. I fought the darkness with every fiber in my body I fought for Niall. I fought.

I won.

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