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"Well?" Gimli interviened Aragorn's guffaws. "How was it?" he asked tentatively. Legolas gave him an amused look and Alcop found himself grinning despite himself. 

"I think it was beautiful and the portrayal was uncanny. Well done Gimli." Aragorn applauded, tears of mirth chasing down his cheek. There was a red flush to his cheekbones and Gimli did not hesitate to point it out, much to Aragorn's embarrassment. They bantered back and forth, before silencing and waiting for Alcop's order. 

Alcop tapped his bone-like fingers on his desk in an unfamiliar rhythm. "I think you all should say what you liked about Gimli's story." He watched Legolas and Aragorn pointedly then spoke again, "Why don't I start us off then? I think you had perfect characterisation Gimli." 

The elf and man coughed at this. Even Gimli hid a snort, albeit not too well, as they all heard it. 

The room was pushed into silence, not for the first time that day...night? Time was not something any one of them were keeping up with. The appointments for the next week had all been moved farther down the waiting list, as Alcop personally liked these three patients and wanted them properly cured... well sane at least, before leaving. They had grown on him. Not that he'd admit that to anyone, but he was getting rather irritated at the smug, knowing looks the niece would throw him every once in a while, when she came in to ask how it was going. 

"I despised how you dared steal my line, dwarf. Though, the climax was perfect. And the ending, too proud." Legolas finished with a short nod.

Gimli seemed pleased enough with that and immediately turned to Aragorn, who rolled his eyes in the most unkingly manner. "Your turn laddie."

"Yeah, it was cool. I like how you got promoted and stuff." 

Gimli's eyebrows rose to his hairline. Alight, they didn't really... but they rose HIGH enough. 

"Well, uh, thanks." 

Alcop seemed adamant to move on as he scanned the man up and down. "Aragorn share yours with us now."

A smile creeped upon the former King's face. "I'd be more than happy to."

a Middle Earth therapy sessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora