Chapter 4.

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We've made out for 10 minutes and a knock appear on the door. I wonder who that could be. I lift myself off of Kane and he walks to the door opening it. "Ryan, Jimmy.. What are you doing here?"

"Well big brother, our trip ended, tomorrow we have a big job to do, and you're coming with us." A deep voice said. And he enter the house. "Oh, and who is this? Another one night stand?" He turn and look Kane's way.

"No this isn't, this is Casey, she has been living with me for almost 2 weeks now." He introduced me.

"Uhm Kane. A girl living with you? Really, that's not you, I know you as Kane The Ripper, the one night stands, not giving his heart to a women!" And the other brother entered.

"Fuck off, both of you! I didn't invite you in. Casey, this is Jimmy my baby brother, and Ryan my middle Brother. But please excuse them, they don't have manners as you could see." And he turn his face to them

Jimmy walk up to ma and gives me a hug. "I'm sorry we've startes of this way. I'm not used for my brother having a girl over."

"Oh it's okay, I'm not planning to stay long. Then you can have your brother back the way you know him. I'm sorry Kane, you have a nice family, but I can't ruen your life. As your brother said, your Kane The Ripper and only do one night stands. I don't want to be one of those girls. I'm gonna leave in the morning, you must have a good night." I turn around an walk away then I paused and turn my face around "Oh and boys, it was nice to meet you." And I walk to the door slamming the door shut.

Kane's P.O.V

"See what you did now! We were getting along just fine until you showed up." I walk to the front door and open it. "Get out!"

"We didn't....." I paused them

"I said get out of my fucking house!"

They walk out of the door and I slam the door hard. Now Casey's mad at me. I don't know why my brothers must fuck up everything in my life. I'm in front her the bedroom door and I knock. But she didn't answer me. I open the door and I see she's laying on the bed. "Casey, I'm sorry."

"No Kane,  I'm sorry for everything. You're stuck with me, and I keep you from your sex life and your friends. And the bad boy stuff. I'm leaving tomorrow. My brother's coming to fetch me."

"You don't have to leave. I can make you my girl and we can do stuff togheter."

"No. Please, if you don't mind I would like to sleep I'm tired."

I turn around and close the door. I'm sao mad right now, I want to fuck my brother up!


Chapter 4.

It's short I know.

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