Chapter 7.

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Casey's P.O.V

We're laying in bed watching a movie, Kane's phone starts to ring and he stands up walking out the door. I walk to the close door to listen who it is.

"Yeah what?!" He said with a husky voice. "What! My sister?" He questioned. "Fuck, I'm coming, make sure you keep those motherfuckers there! See u in 5."

I ran back to the bed and he enters the room looking mad as fuck! "What's wrong?"

"My sister was at the club, and 3 guys attacked her, she said she was raped by one and the other 2 beated her. I'm on my way there."

"Are you coming back?" I asked an sit up straight.

"Maybe, I don't know."

"If you're not coming back, then I'm coming with you, and I don't give a fuck if you say no, that is my best friend and I'll be there for her!"

"Get dressed." He said and walk out of the room.

I put on my clothes and walk to the living room, he's on the phone again but this time I don't want to hear what he's saying. But he's talking so hard, I can't help myself. "You know where to take them. I'm on my way." And he hangs up.

"Everything okay?" I ask and he turns around.

"Ready to go?"


We walk out the door and climb on top of the bike.


We arrive at a place in the middle of nowhere, Kane walk to the door and pause. "Stay here, don't come in please, it's not save!"

"I'm coming in!" I said with anger in my voice.

"No, I want you to stay out here, because what's going on inside, you will never want to see me again!"

"I don't give a fuck okay! I'm coming with you!"

He opens the door and take my hand. I walk behind him and I see 3 men with bags over their heads and on a chair with rope around their legs and hands. What the fuck? Where is Debbie? I'm here for her. Not this guys. I should've listen to Kane. But I want to see what's he up to.

Jimmy is standing with a plank in his hand, and Ryan with a rope with spikes on it. And Kane with a gun! "Debbie, please come here.." Kane called and she walks up to him.

Those fuckers! They deserve what's coming to them! I can't believe what I'm seeing! I will kill them myself. Debbie looks awful! Blue eye, bleeding cheeks and bleeding lips! She's cut open on her arm! Blood between her legs! Gosh, I wish Kane's going to kill them, or torture them!

I walk to her and I give her a hug. She starts to cry and hug my tighter. "I'm sorry Deb! We'll make sure they will get what they deserve. Fuck!" And I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. "I don't know what to say, all I can say is that I'm sorry sis."

"I'm okay Cas. Thanks, my brothers will teach them a lesson not to ever do that again. Maybe, if they live for so long!" And she let go of me giving me a fake smile.

"So Debbie, which one raped you?" Kane asked.

She pointed out to the one with a blue T-shirt and black jean. Jimmy hit him with the plank over his head, and Ryan with the spikes. She kicks him on his tommy and he burst out with a laugh. "You were so tight baby." He said while laughing. She takes a pocket knif and stab him on his hand and he starts to scream. "Don't hurt me please, I'm sorry!" He cried out and Ryan hit him again with the spikes.

"Debbie, now I'm gonna leave you so that you can beat the fuckers that heated you!" Kane said and she starts to hit them with rope etc. She pulls a knuckle buster trough her fingers and hit all three on their cheeks.

The one with the blue shirt starts to laugh again and Kane shot him in his head. And there's silence. I take a step back and I hear 2 shots and all of them are quiet. Debbie starts to cru again and she falls on her knees. I can't help myself but to cry with her and I bend down to hold her.

I feel Kane's hand on my back and he bends down with us. "They're gone Debbie. They deserve it!"


Chapter 7's done.

It's boring, yeah I know.

I have 19 votes, and 72 readers, but not one comment? Why not?

Love - Soft_Kiss_Forever


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