Chapter 13.

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Haylee is growing up so fast, i wish her mom could be here to see her. We miss her so much, but Kane, he missis her the most. Everytime he looks at Haylee a tear enters his eye. My heart breaks for him, I mean Casey was his first love.

Haylee is staying with mom tonight, me and my 2 brothers are taking Kane out to let lose a little, I think he needs it.


We're at the club and Kane's drunk as fuck, he's flirting with every girl that walks pass him. I don't know him like this. This isn't Kane.

"Kane, I think you've had enough. Let us take you home?"

"I'm fine Deb. Please just leave me. I can Handel myself. Don't need your help!"

"But.. Look Kane, your drunk, and if you flirt with every girl in the club you will regret it in the morning.. Come I'm taking you home!"

"I said leave me the fuck alone Debbie!" And he storms outside.

Kane's P.O.V

I don't know what Debbie's story is but I'm fine, sure I'm drunk but I need to forget Casey! I can't live without her, she was my everything, I know it's been 7 months, but still, I was ready to make her my wife!

I walk to my bike and the flash backs starts to hit me. I can see Casey sitting there resting her head on her arms. Blood everywhere! Am I getting mad or what?

I wipe the tear off of my face and I see it's not Casey, it's a girl with brown hair this time. "Hello... Uhm, are you alright?"

She lifts her head and stare deep into my eyes with tears filling her eyes. "I'm fine.... Thanks." She mutters and try to stand up.

"Let me help you.."

"I don't need your help, I'm fine on my own."

"Okay, what happened?"


"Please Kane, help me, it hurts!" I hear Casey's voice and I see her standing in front of me. "Please.."

I help her up and give her a hug.. "Tomorrow I'm going to kill the fuckers that killed you baby, I promise! I miss you so much, and Haylee's first word was Mommy. Everytim she looks up at me she says mommy. It breaks my heart baby, I wish you were here!"

"I'm in a better place now Kane, but believe me when I tell you this. I'm here, every step of the way. I'm always standing next to you. I will never leave you! I love you Kane."

"I love you too baby.."

I open my eyes and see this girl with the brown hair in front of me. "I need to go to the hospital, do you mind if you can take me?" She said with breathless voice.

"Come.." I help her up on the bike and I climb on and take off. The hospital is just around the corner.

We stop at the hospital and I rush in calling a nurse. She takes a wheelchair and follows me. "Here she is. Please help her." I murmur and the nurse helps the girl in the wheelchair.


"I'm Kane."

"I'm Lizzy."

They walk in the doors and I climb on my bike. Why does she looks like Casey? Or is it my imagination?


Chapter 13.. I know it's boring.. But it will get better after two chapters or so..

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