Women's March

22 1 0

I wasn't able to get you guys pictures. It was raining too hard. But it was great. So many people showed up. The rally was amazing and I felt like I was making a difference. My clothes were soaked to the brim with rain water, I almost lost my umbrella, and the thunder and lightning was insane. But we still walked. There was only ONE protester against the march there. He had a mask on, and a sign that said 'You Deserve Rape'. My mom stopped to tell him to take  his mask off, but he didn't say anything, didn't move, didn't do anything in general. My mom said "let's go.'' I walked up to him while my mom said not to. I asked him, "If this is what you believe in, why wear a mask?" All he replied with was, "It's not about the mask, it's about the message." Now, what his sign said made me upset, but I didn't wanna start a fight. So I just said "Ok," and walked off. People were shouting at him saying "Take your mask off!" and covering his sign. He didn't do anything. Those of you who feel like these next few years are gonna be hard here in America, know were gonna get through it together.

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