18- Lydia

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"This is the last one until kinder starts for real," Emily whispered into Thomas' ear.

It had been a week and a half since the first introduction day, and even though this was the last one Thomas was still unsure about the whole idea of being without his mum.

"Mummy will pick you up later okay?" She asked giving him a kiss. "Be a good boy."

"Please don't go," he begged.

"Sweetheart this is your last one, I'll see you tonight," she said.


"How about we go and find Rebecca?" She asked.

"Okay," he replied sadly.

"You can have heaps of fun, just like you did yesterday and last week," she said.

"Hi Thomas," Rebecca said crouching down and taking his hands.

"Hi," he replied with a small smile.

"Mummy will see you later, have fun," Emily said bending down and kissing his forehead.

"Please don't go," he said looking up at her.

"Bye sweetheart," she said giving a small smile to rebecca.


She turned around and walked to the door while Rebecca tried distracting him. She reached the door, turned around and waved back at Thomas. He smiled slightly and waved back as she walked out the door. She sighed deeply and got into the car and dialed Daniel's number.

"Hey babe, how did it go?" Daniel asked as he picked up the phone.

"Better than yesterday," she said.

"He didn't cry?"

"No, he was okay. He just didn't want me to go," she said sighing.

"He'll get used to it, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Um, I'm alright. I have a headache but I'm not coughing anymore," she said.

"That's good, are you going to go to the doctors?"

"No, I'll be okay, I think it was just a cold," she replied.

"If you are sure. What are your plans for the day?"

"I was just going to clean up, Charlotte was going to come over to paint the decorations on Thomas' bedroom wall and then I might put all of his clothes in there and move all of the baby things into the nursery," she said.

"Promise me you'll take it easy. If you're not 100% I don't want you to over work yourself," he said sternly.

"I promise, have a good day at work."

"First issue is printed today," he said.

"Bring me home a copy," she replied.

"I love you Em, have a good day."

"Love you too, I'll see you tonight."


The line went dead and Emily drove towards the beach house where she found Charlotte waiting outside.

"Sorry Char, I had to take Thomas to kinder," she said grabbing her bag.

"Did you send him to the extra introduction days?" She asked.

"He didn't really like leaving us so we thought it was best. What about Amelia?"

"She loved it, she wanted to go back but Declan took her out for the day instead," Charlotte replied.

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