49- Angel

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"Em she's so beautiful," Charlotte smiled as she rocked her whilst walking around the room. "I can't decide if she looks more like Daniel or you."

"I think she looks like Daniel but apparently not," Emily smiled looking up from the magazine.

"Either way she's beautiful," she replied. "What time did you get here this morning?"

"I think it was about 3, wasn't it Daniel?" She asked looking over at him reading a story to Thomas.

"Yeah about that," he said looking up.

"You two must be tired then, didn't sleep much last night," she smiled.

"Not at all."

"What time is it?" Emily asked.

"Nearly 6:30," Charlotte replied looking at her watch. "What time are you going to put her down to sleep?"

"I'm going to feed her in the next half hour and then hopefully have her asleep by seven, then I can get a long enough sleep before she wakes Me up again."

"Well I better get going, get home to Declan and Amelia," she smiled. "When are you getting home?"

"Hopefully Wednesday morning," she smiled.

"Alright, well let me know when you are up for visitors and I'll bring Amelia round," she said laying Tayla in Emilys arms.

"I will, thank you for coming," she said kissing her cheek.

"Congratulations again, talk soon," she smiled.

Charlotte then hugged Daniel and Thomas, grabbed her bag and left the room closing the door behind her.

"Alright Thomas, I think it's about time daddy took you home to bed, you have to go to kinder tomorrow," she said looking over at him.

"But I want to visit you again," he pouted looking up from the story book.

"You can when daddy picks you up in the afternoon. Bedtime now."

"Say goodbye to mummy Thomas, you can see her tomorrow," Daniel said closing the book.

"Bye mummy, bye Tayla," he whispered as Emily kissed his forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow, be a good boy for daddy," she said running her hand through his hair.

"Are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself?" Daniel asked kissing her gently.

"I'll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow," she said.

"I can always ask Nolan to stay at our place again tonight," he said.

"Daniel we are going to be fine, stop worrying."

"You know I worry about my two favorite girls," he said kissing Taylas forehead.

"If I need you I'll call you. I'll see you in the morning," she said.

"Be a good girl for mummy Tayla," he said picking up Thomas.

"She'll be fine," she replied with a little laugh. "Goodnight honey."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He picked up the bag and walked out of the room with Thomas on his hip.

"It's just you and me baby girl," Emily whispered as he closed the door. "Time for bed soon."

She ran her fingers over Taylas forehead and lifted her top so she could feed. She flicked through the pages of the magazine until she was done and then stood up slowly and walked over to the bag that had a new set of clothes for Tayla.

"Bedtime," she whispered laying her at the foot of the bed and gently taking off her onesie. "It's been a big day hasn't it baby girl," she smiled putting on the new jumpsuit and wrapping her back up in the blanket.

She sat back down on the bed and leaned back against the pillows as she laid Tayla upright on her chest.

"I love you so much baby girl, sweat dreams."

She rubbed her back until she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Not long after there was another knock at the door, and Emily looked up from her sleeping angel just in time to see Victoria and Conrad.

"Congratulations Emily," Conrad said kissing her cheek. "She looks just like you."

"She is beautiful," Victoria agreed laying a bouquet of flowers down on the bedside table.

"She's finally sleeping," she smiled. "It's been a long day for the two of us."

"I'm sure it has been, we don't want to keep you long, we were just on our way past and we wanted to offer our congrats," Conrad smiled.

"Well thank you for stopping by," she replied smiling.

"Let us know when a better time is to visit, maybe you could come around to the manor one day next week, or whenever you are feeling up to it," Victoria said kissing her cheek.

"I will, thank you."

"Alright, we better head off but we will talk soon," Conrad said opening the door for Victoria.

"We will, thank you Conrad," she replied smiling as Victoria followed by Conrad left the room leaving it silent once again.

Emily closed her eyes and rubbed her hands over Taylas back.

"Welcome to the world my baby girl," she whispered.

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